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NCRPO Downloads 500 Police Officers to Combat Street Criminals 10 Aug 2013 | 12:11 pm
In line with the commitment of the Chief PNP to reduce street crimes in the Metro, NCRPO Regional Director, PCSUPT Marcelo Poyaoan Garbo Jr downloaded five hundred (500) police officers from the Regio...
NCRPO Launches Twitter and Facebook Account and Subukan Nyo Po Kami SMS platform for Timely and Accurate Reporting of Crimes 7 Aug 2013 | 12:35 pm
In support of the Chief PNP, Police Director General Alan La Madrid Purisima’s online social media initiative, NCRPO Regional Director, PCSUPT Marcelo Poyaoan Garbo Jr launched the NCRPO twitter ac...
More Pdir Alan La Madrid Purisima related news:
NCRPO Launches Twitter and Facebook Account and Subukan Nyo Po Kami SMS platform for Timely and Accurate Reporting of Crimes 7 Aug 2013 | 12:35 pm
In support of the Chief PNP, Police Director General Alan La Madrid Purisima’s online social media initiative, NCRPO Regional Director, PCSUPT Marcelo Poyaoan Garbo Jr launched the NCRPO twitter ac...