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Crack Head Neighbor 24 Sep 2011 | 01:42 am
What happened next surprised me... He kept on walking until he reached the 7-11 right up the street. Then he proceeded to pull down his pants and take a piss right there in the parking lot.
I FEEL GREAT! 16 Nov 2010 | 05:59 pm
I not only about piss my pants laughing, but I will continue to watch this video till I know you do to. BABIES!!!!! Airing Dirty Laundry With Style- Wym
Virginia - About Time 29 Feb 2012 | 01:38 pm
Good News for us gun loving folks. Oh poor liberals will piss in their pants about this. Anyone have some xtra diapers? Legislation to Repeal One-Gun-a-Month Signed into Law by Governor Bob McDonnell...
What Jews Think of Humanity 1 Sep 2010 | 11:37 am
Here Israeli soldiers kidnap a young girl. You'd piss your pants too if you had any idea what was about to happen to this little girl...gang rape followed by murder is common. Here’s a great exam...
Jay Z’s Rocawear Sued — Accused of T-Shirt Jacking 26 Aug 2013 | 11:00 pm
Exclusive Jay Z and Rocawear have no business plastering the phrase “Hood Love” all over t-shirts … so says the pissed off company that owns the phrase and is now suing the pants off Jigga’s clothing...
Thursday is Quote Day 15 Aug 2013 | 06:36 am
Tweet Delvina shook his finger at Grandma. “You better be good when we get you out of this room. You make a fuss, and Mickey’s gonna give you a blast with the stun gun, make you piss your pants...
Ugly bitch adores peeing in pants 16 Jun 2013 | 11:05 pm
Ugly cutie adores pissing in pants
Selena Gomez Works the Bridal Party Look, Whilst Charming the Pants Off the Ethan Hawke 27 Aug 2013 | 02:40 pm
Selena Gomez is a good girl. She gives pretty. She gives fierce. She breaks up with immature douchebag boyfriends. She blows kisses at her fans. And takes the piss out of Miley Cyrus’s ridiculous ton...