Most Pokemon Basic Webboard related news are at:

[scrap article]Simulator เกิดมาเพื่ออะไร 27 Aug 2013 | 07:08 am
ต้องเอ่ยก่อนถึงแทคว่า ที่ผมตั้งนี่เป็นแค่ร่างบทความนะครับ จุดประสงค์คือเปิดไว้ก่อน เดี๋ยวผมลืม(เอาแต่ใจพิกล) คือมีโอกาสที่ผมจะดองระดับนึง เพราะช่วงนี้เหมือนจะมีดราม่าโคจรมาใกล้ตัวถี่แปลกๆ ---------- ...
Re: เรามาเขียนนิทานต่อกันดีกว่า Version 2! 26 Aug 2013 | 09:31 pm
ตัวนั้นคืออัลเซอุส อัลเซอุสจึงให้นินขี่ แล้วไปที่ยิมห้าอีกครั้ง
More Pokemon Basic Webboard related news:
Pokemon Magazine Nr6 Dark Explorers Sampling pack 18 Jul 2012 | 08:19 pm
Bij Pokemon Magazine Nr6-2012 zit een Dark Explorers Sampling pack waar in je 3 basic pokemon kaarten aantreft, die verschenen in de Dark Explorers Black & White set. Het blad bevat verder informatie ...
Chandelure-EX from ‘EX Battle Boost’ a Basic EX + Four Trainers 30 Jun 2013 | 08:47 am
Update (9:30 PM) – Added four Trainer cards below. Chandelure-EX has been revealed on a poster for EX Battle Boost. Even though Chandelure should be a Stage 2 Pokemon, it is a Basic Pokemon like all o...
DAT AUGUST COROCORO…POKEMON X&Y! 12 Aug 2013 | 08:36 am
So damn, this month has been quite amazing with Pokémon news (sort of…) so let’s really get it out of the way…at least the basic stuff Well we got news of what Super Training is and it’s finally maki...
Your first experience with pokerus 27 Aug 2013 | 06:44 am
Sorry if someone already made this thread. Anyway, basically in this thread you post you first experience with pokerus, your reaction, witch pokemon got it, etc. Mine went like this: One day i deci...
"Wow, I was an IDIOT!" moments 27 Aug 2013 | 05:29 am
So basically, this thread is retelling those times from when you were playing a Pokemon game and you did something that made you look like an idiot when it came to Pokemon. A few examples are like kil...
Super Mario 3D World – First Impressions 23 Aug 2013 | 12:00 am
One of the basic foundations of Nintendo’s success is giving their audience what they want. You want Pokemon? Here they are in every available medium including a couple we came up with just to make s...
Hey there! 25 Aug 2013 | 01:22 pm
Hey, I'm Skull and I really love playing video games; especially Pokemon! Aside from Pokemon, once in a while, I would play Mario, Sonic, Tekken, basically anything that can entertain me. I have been...