Most Poptropica Zomberry Island related news are at:

Poptropolis Games Going Bye-bye 21 Jan 2013 | 08:53 pm
If you haven’t had a chance to play through the island of Poptropolis Games, now’s the time to do it. In just a few days, on January 24th, the island is going to sink back beneath the waves! At leas...
Get Night Watch Island Gear Now 18 Jan 2013 | 12:02 am
As with all of the recent islands, the store has Night Watch Island themed gear available for members! The gear includes a his or her cat burglar costume, a whoopie cushion, and burnt orange tan power...
More Poptropica Zomberry Island related news:
Poptropica Zomberry Island Comics, Printable Posters Available 7 Dec 2012 | 08:20 am
Hola Poptropicans! If you’ve been checking up on Poptropica’s official blog lately, you’ll have noticed a few things. Firstly, Black Widow has been posting a handful of parts related to a specific com...
Poptropica Adds Zomberry Island Member-Only Items to Info Page 3 Dec 2012 | 10:41 pm
Hey everyone! A few days ago, Poptropica added the information page for Zomberry Island to their website, which means we are still on target for a pre-Christmas release! We’re expecting to see the isl...
Poptropica Releases Official Zomberry Island Trailer! 14 Dec 2012 | 12:29 am
Hey everyone! Poptropica released their official Zomberry Island Trailer, and we’ve released our Zomberry Island Sneak Peeks video piecing together all of the information that we’ve seen on Zomberry I...
Video Walkthroughs of Zomberry Island! 21 Dec 2012 | 01:56 am
Zomberry Island has arrived! Check out our video walkthroughs! Our written walkthroughs will be up shortly. Enjoy!
Zomberry Island…in words! 23 Dec 2012 | 07:46 pm
Written walkthrough of Zomberry Island is now up! (Would have been up sooner, but there was a minor technical glitch.) Enjoy!
The Zomberry comic book is now up for download! 12 Jan 2013 | 08:49 am When your at this site, Right click, save as zomberryDayZero. Last December zomberry island was coming out, So they decided to make a 6-part comic...
Watch Thinknoodles Play Zomberry Island! 16 Jan 2013 | 05:10 pm
Hey guys, still keeping you up to date on my “Road to Captain Thinknoodles” series, I’m making a post here on Poptropica Cheatz, so that you guys can watch and comment on the entire series, instead of...
Twisted Thicket Coming Next Week 5 Apr 2012 | 02:23 pm
Thursday, April 12th will be the release day for Poptropica Twisted Thicket Island. Read all about it here and then check out the trailer and other cheats for Twisted Thicket here.
Interview with a Vampire 23 Mar 2012 | 10:30 am
Good evening. I’ve come to suck your blood. Vampire’s Curse Island is now ready for everyone in Poptropica to play. Woo-hoo! Starting today, everyone can play the full island quest–not just paid mem...
Twisted Thicket Island Info 21 Mar 2012 | 04:25 am
The next island coming to Poptropica will be called Twisted Thicket Island. The story behind the new island is that a quiet seaside village has been attacked by mysterious beings that live in a nearby...