Most Porsche 356 Predam related news are at:

Husté kombi, aka MB ShootingBrake 30 Jun 2012 | 05:34 pm
Istá prémiová automobilka zo Stutgartu práve predstavila najkrajšie kombi na trhu.. A nazvala ho ShootingBrake. A ako obvykle to trosku pomotala. Je to mix štvordverového kupé a štvordverového športov...
Rapidka 22 Jun 2012 | 12:03 am
Určite ste si všimli rozpínajúcu stratégiu Škodovky. Prvá lastovička sa nám už predstavila. Nieje to síce kupé, ale napriek tomu sa volá Rapid. Rapid štartuje nový dizajnový jazyk Škodovky, ktorý sa m...
More Porsche 356 Predam related news:
Porsche 356 Convertible D 29 May 2012 | 03:47 am
Think of a minimalist 356 Speedster with a lined soft top and wind-up windows and this is what you have. Instruments look more recognisably 356 but the Convertible D still has a VW feel. Controls are ...
Even issue 12 Nov 2009 | 02:50 pm
Porsche 356 Registry magazine May / June 2012, Volume 36, No.1 Porsche 356 Registry magazine is 76 all-color pages of stories and photos covering the world of early Porsches. Historical pieces, t...
History Of Porsche 24 May 2009 | 04:56 am
The history of Porsche began in 1948, June 8th to be exact. That is when the first two seater 356 was produced. There were 51 hand built Porsche 356/2 automobiles built in Austria. This model had a 40...
911 Speedster L.E. By Porsche – 356 Units Only 24 Sep 2010 | 05:38 pm
Porsche has revealed the latest variant of its insanely popular 911, the 911 speedster limited edition. Only 356 cars will be manufactured in this category. This number goes to show Porsche’s homage t...
Woman Converts Old VW Beetle into Classic Porsche 27 Sep 2011 | 04:39 am
As a child, Megan Ashton dreamed of being whisked away to her wedding in a classic Porsche 356, and since she couldn’t afford a real one, she spent six years converting an old Volkswagen Beetle into t...
Old Volkswagen Beetle Converted into Classic Porsche by a Woman 27 Sep 2011 | 04:07 pm
26 year of Megan Ashton dreamed of riding away to her wedding in a classic Porsche 356 when she was a child, but she couldn’t afford it, so she spent six years in transforming her old Volkswagen Beetl...
Why Choose a Porsche 356 Replica Over Other Sports Cars 7 Jun 2011 | 07:01 am
Porsche 356 Replica? Some people would think that an original run off the mill branded sports car is the better choice over a Porsche 356 replica but that may not always be the case. It all depends ...
Porsche 356 SC Cabriolet 30 Jun 2012 | 09:35 am
Last of the 356 line, the SC has more upright lights, bigger bumpers and fewer curves Interior is more lavishly equipped. Seats are very comfortable and the dash has all the VDO gauges you would want....
Porsche 356 Carrera 2 GT 19 Jun 2012 | 08:41 am
One of the most desirable 356s in the world, this Carrera 2 is a thinly disguised out-and-out road racer Wood-rimmed steering wheel might look out of place but it is the correct fitting. Glovebox lid ...
Porsche 356 SC Cabriolet 30 Jun 2012 | 09:35 am
Last of the 356 line, the SC has more upright lights, bigger bumpers and fewer curves Interior is more lavishly equipped. Seats are very comfortable and the dash has all the VDO gauges you would want....