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江戶城中的圍城記 17 Mar 2011 | 06:50 pm
馬鈴薯之前發功太過,突然又陷入被薯肉搜索的地步,只好把電腦款款到支那國出差去,但因為支那國不能上布拉格來update,直到近日才回台,也過了一個月多時間了。 而上周阿本國發生了強烈地牛大翻身又有海龍大翻滾,馬鈴薯感覺到真是人生苦短,果真是寄蜉蝣與天地且渺滄海之一粟呀。本來馬鈴薯想要繼續閉關,但是看到最近的逢迎日報跟拍馬時報的阿本國新聞,標題很大但內容普通不說,射了一堆箭但沒有一個中的,馬鈴薯我實...
馬鈴薯講古之兔子年的低亂故事 part 1 10 Feb 2011 | 03:01 pm
馬鈴薯今天要來說的是低亂的故事。最近低亂市場很紅火,馬鈴薯也搶貨搶的頭昏眼花,當然由黑板上那幾家低亂公司的門票一路噴的情況來看,當然也是反應了現在的市場情況。 可能還是很多人對現在的低亂市場有看沒有懂,或不看也不懂,理由很簡單,因為現在低亂pizza公司已經不多了,所以每家都很小心,不想有太多消息跑出來,所以,才會東看西看都沒看到報紙上有寫什麼好料出來。 那這次的低亂價格漲是漲真的嗎?對馬鈴薯...
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Kadehin İçine Kadın Yerleştirme 29 Apr 2012 | 07:52 am
Bu dersimizde kadehin içine bir kadın yerleştireceğiz… Çalışmamızın Son Hali ; Öncelikle çalışma yapmaya uygun iki resim seçilir. Bunun için arka planı temizlenmiş bir kadın resmi ve bir kadeh resmi...
Great Bolsover Cruise Club 21 Sep 2011 | 09:22 pm
Planning on-shore excursions can be a scary experience for somebody who has by no means been on a cruise before. There are so many options to choose from, so first time cruisers may get overwhelmed by...
Let’s Plan to Meet at MIPCOM 2011! 4 Aug 2011 | 07:28 am
MIPCOM 2011 is right around the corner — October 3rd – 6th, in Cannes. Our Stand is #R34.03 in the Riviera Hall of the Palais des Festivals. Our appointment book is open. Here is an excellent short ...
We *may* be hiring - soon! 23 Jan 2008 | 01:00 pm
Here at we are planning to expand our operations during 2009. With this in mind we have moved to new offices in Lancaster City Centre. This is a local position for local people (ex...
Extended World Travel – How to Take a Break from the Rat Race and Travel the World with your Family – our new Book! 7 Dec 2010 | 11:02 am
I’m sitting here with a box full of books beside me. Not any books though – our own book! It’s an amazing thing, being able to hold it in your hands after all this time of talking about it, planning a...
Angelina Jolie et Brad Pitt se fiancent 14 Apr 2012 | 07:12 pm
C'est fait! Le couple le plus glamour de la planète est fiancé. Après des mois de rumeurs sur le mariage tant attendu de Brad Pitt et Angelina Jolie, un cap a été franchi.
Polish citizens vs ACTA 29 Jan 2012 | 03:46 am
So few days ago I was interviewed by Chris Morrow about Poland signing ACTA on 26th of January. We’ve had many protests and demonstrations organized against our government which planned to sign ACTA w...
3-Tier Architecture Examples... 11 Jun 2011 | 07:05 am
Previously, I wrote about multiple tiered architectures and the fundamentals associated with various approaches that can be taken when developing with a layered approach. In this article, I plan to il...
Early Registration for Spring 2011 4 Nov 2010 | 05:03 am
November 3, 2010 – Early registration for the Spring 2011 term opens on November 8. Now is the time for students to begin planning their upcoming course schedules. Register early to reserve your spac...
Sales and Marketing Webcasts 30 May 2012 | 08:00 am
The current list of Webcast Tips includes:Building a Marketing Roadmap: (View this webcast for free) Step-by-step instructions on developing a strategic marketing plan and projecting its ROI!What's Br...