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Kebabetto? [pt. IV] 5 Jun 2013 | 12:00 pm

Pic: Turn the Paradise on. PREVIOUSLY ON KEBABETTO? Kebabetto, pt. I Kebabetto, pt. II Kebabetto, pt. III [Mentre leggi ascolta: She wants revenge - These two words] Trentemoller – Vamp...

Japan 2010: Tokyo Pt. II 27 Jan 2010 | 12:48 pm

More pics from the Tokyo area...will add captions later

La munte 22 Jul 2009 | 10:08 pm

La noi la munte este foarte frumos! Am fost şi eu un pic, cu Mami şi Tati în concediul lor, o săptămână. Tati spune că am fost la Moeciu. Adică acolo am stat, la o pensiune. Am fost în excursii la Che...

Spune-mi c-o să fie bine 17 Nov 2011 | 08:46 am

Și inima îi moare câte un pic în fiecare zi, e în moarte clinică în fiecare sfârșit de săptămâna. Incertitudinea și indiferența îi storc toată viața strop cu strop, până la ultimul. I-au șters zâmbetu...

Memory Lane Pt. 7: Nike Air Flight Lite High (1992) 17 Mar 2011 | 02:01 pm

Nike Air Flight Lite catalog pic via Sneaker Freaker Shoe Museum A little while after I got the Nike Air Maestro Flight for my grade 8 basket ball season, I needed a secondary pair (my Maestros were ...

Nail Polish Swatches Pt. 2! 6 Aug 2011 | 03:35 pm

 JUST finished swatching the last of my nail polishes, phew! Some of these may be repeats, though I doubled checked my first nail polish post, a few may have slipped through! As always, click the pic...

Latest Pics - Capstone Pt. 2 26 Aug 2007 | 01:59 am

One of the best activities we had was Convoy Ops. We simulated actually going on a convoy, and we had the chaplain assistants who are also in training with us so I had an assistant with me to provide ...

6th YOSATO Mega Gathering pt. 2 3 Nov 2011 | 06:48 am

This is part 2! The fun part, convoy! Next? 2nd day pics! to be continued.... For more pics log onto our forum... Original post blogged on b2evolution.

5/29/12 Monster 11 Pound Tahoe Rainbow !!!! Pics!! 30 May 2012 | 01:41 pm

Big Tahoe Rainbows... Oh My !!!! My Son Eric St. Denis and I took out the PT-109 for some of that Tahoe felling and we were not Disappointed !!!! Since everyone has Big Mackinaw Fever ... We decided t...

Ion si Maria gradinari 17 Jul 2012 | 03:15 am

Ion si Maria gradinari… se trezira de dimineata sa plece la targ sa prinda loc pt taraba; incarca caruta cu varza si castraveti si pleaca.. Pe drum Maria: - Ioane opreste un pic caruta, da-te jos s...