Most Qualys Wmi Query related news are at:

Importing XML Policy 2 Jul 2013 | 10:56 pm
I have raised this issue with QualysGuard, but has anyone had any luck importing a policy from XML into the tool? For example, I cannot import a DISA STIG for a specific technology. The tool shoots ba...
scheduled_scans list of deactivated scans 2 Jul 2013 | 06:28 pm
does the active parameter function as a filter when searching for a list of scans? I am sending the following URL but it doesnt appear to be filtering on 'active=no' or is that just for adding scans?...
More Qualys Wmi Query related news:
Ping x 3 9 May 2012 | 08:00 am
Often when running WMI queries against a set of computers, the total script execution time can be quite long. Especially if there are computers that are unreachable, as the default WMI timeout is quit...
Ping x 3 9 May 2012 | 04:00 am
Often when running WMI queries against a set of computers, the total script execution time can be quite long. Especially if there are computers that are unreachable, as the default WMI timeout is quit...
Get-Uptime 4 May 2012 | 07:17 pm
This is a script that I use alot. It uses WMI to query a remote computer and return an object showing how long the computer have been running since last reboot.
Usare delle variabili nelle query in Toad o PL/Sql 12 May 2012 | 06:12 pm
In Toad e PL/Sql è possibile inserire nelle nostre query, delle variabili alle quali associare dei valori quando eseguiamo la query. Questo ci permette di eseguire più volte la stessa query, cambiand...
PowerShell WMI Gather DNS settings for all Servers 24 Dec 2011 | 05:19 pm
A question came up on TechNet: “I am new to PowerShell and need a wmi script to query all the servers on my network for there dns settings and dump it out to a text file. Would someone be able to he...
Get-Uptime 4 May 2012 | 03:17 pm
This is a script that I use alot. It uses WMI to query a remote computer and return an object showing how long the computer have been running since last reboot. [powershell] #Requires -Version 2 <#...
Monitorando o Event Viewer com PowerShell e WMI Event Queries – Parte 2 19 May 2013 | 05:43 pm
Na primeira parte, Monitorando o Event Viewer com PowerShell e WMI Event Queries – Parte 1, nós vimos alguns conceitos importantes como WMI, WQL, intrinsic e extrinsic events. Vamos agora partir pa...
Monitorando o Event Viewer com PowerShell e WMI Event Queries – Parte 1 17 May 2013 | 03:40 pm
Esta noite passei pela mesma situação que alguns anos atras, mas desta vez eu fui acionado para verificar um problema que estava dando em uma aplicação. Verificamos que o problema não era o Banco de...