Most Quilling 3d Miniatures related news are at:

Paper quilling: Miniature squirrel 26 Aug 2013 | 03:09 am
Do you remember my 3-D quilled family of mice? They have the cone shape in their base, with some traditional 2-D shapes used for other elements. The same technique can be used to make various characte...
Quilled Easter greeting cards 8 Mar 2013 | 02:14 pm
As the Easter is coming up, I would like to show two of my Easter cards with quilling. I often choose the Easter egg to be the main element of my cards, and these ones aren't an exception. The quilled...
More Quilling 3d Miniatures related news:
Create Cool 3D Models of People with TwinKind 7 Aug 2013 | 10:08 am
For £200 you can now buy 3D printed models of yourself, family, friends and pets. These 3D miniature people prints might seem gimmicky if the results weren’t so amazing. They remind us a little of cha...
Paper Quilling - GREETING 3d 4 Jul 2012 | 01:03 am
Here it goes sistaaa.. paper quilling yg tampak 3dimensi.. nice bgt utk ucapan selamat ultah.. bentuk baru dr kartu ucapan yg lebih spesial ;). like iiitttt
Markets in everything: 3d printing photo booth, luxury bunkers in London, cheap generators in NJ 13 Nov 2012 | 02:03 am
1. World’s First 3D Printing Photo Booth to Open in Japan, where you can have your portraits taken, except instead of a photograph, you’ll receive miniature replicas of yourselves. Three sizes and pr...
Salve! 23 Jul 2013 | 04:23 am
Salve a tutti, mi chiamo Andrea, lavoro da diversi anni come modellatore 3d freelancer e da circa due anni scolpisco miniature per wargames. Avvicinandomi così tanto al mondo delle miniature (che da...
Paper quilling: Miniature squirrel 26 Aug 2013 | 03:09 am
Do you remember my 3-D quilled family of mice? They have the cone shape in their base, with some traditional 2-D shapes used for other elements. The same technique can be used to make various characte...
3D Quilled Animals - Lion 10 Oct 2012 | 11:00 pm
Recently I came across my 3D quilled lion tutorial ripped off by a web site from a PDF (along with other tutorials), and shared on Pinterest. Can't help stumbling upon stolen images and tutorials here...
3D printed portrait figurines by twinkind ever imagined a... 16 Aug 2013 | 04:15 pm
3D printed portrait figurines by twinkind ever imagined a true-to-life miniature version of yourself? well - now it’s possible. these 3D printed portrait figurines by twinkind are made using state-of...