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More Repeal Adam Walsh Act related news:
Is Application of ‘Adam Walsh Act’ to Crime Committed Before Law Took Effect Unconstitutionally Retroactive? 11 Jul 2011 | 09:06 pm
Is Application of ‘Adam Walsh Act’ to Crime Committed Before Law Took Effect Unconstitutionally Retroactive? Under U.S., Ohio Constitutions’ Bans Against Ex Post Facto Laws State of Ohio v. George D...
Nevada Juvenile Sex Offenders and the Adam Walsh Act: Making Children Register as Lifelong Sex Offenders? 19 May 2013 | 06:24 am
Imagine this. A 14 year-old child is accused of committing a sexual act on a younger child. Does this 14 year-old sex offender have anything to worry about once he turns 18 years because under Nevad...