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Augustinians to meet in Rome to choose new leader and discuss future plans 27 Aug 2013 | 08:10 pm
August 27, 2013. ( Every six years, the General Chapter of the Order of St. Augustine meets to choose a new prior general, and a general council. They also set the Order's agenda for t...
Life blooms from historic Jewish cemetery in Rome 26 Aug 2013 | 07:17 pm
August 26, 2013. ( Deep in the heart of the Eternal City, no place can show off the cycle of life and death better than the Roseto Comunale, Rome's rose garden. Nestled between the rui...
More Rome Reports related news:
Holy Father greets Ordinariate Pilgrims 23 Feb 2012 | 12:48 pm
From Rome Reports: click here for a video of the Holy Father’s catechesis. Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today the Church celebrates Ash Wednesday, the beginning of her Lenten journey towards Easter. Th...
Rome Reports: Ordinariate for former Anglicans visits Pope and Rome 23 Feb 2012 | 12:42 pm
Club of Rome Report: We Are Doomed 28 Jul 2013 | 01:43 am
The “global citizens” at the Club of Rome are at it again. They are warning that if we don’t allow government to scale back civilization, we’re doomed. “Mankind may face extinction if it fails to cha...
«¿Ficción o realidad?» 16 Aug 2013 | 11:46 pm
Cotelo investiga a personas transformadas por la Virgen: ¿mentirosos, locos o veraces? Actualizado 16 agosto 2013 Rome Reports / ReL Cada año millones de personas visitan alguno de los santuarios dedi...
El mensaje social de san Josemaría 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Vídeo de la agencia de noticias Rome Reports que resume una jornada sobre "El mensaje social de san Josemaría", celebrada en Roma con motivo de los 10 años del nacimiento de Harambee.
Túl a személyi kultuszon: Lutra-album Ferenccel 15 Apr 2013 | 02:26 pm
A 90-es évek autós, lovas, cukiállatos Lutra-albumjai után íme egy igazi ínyencfalat: a Ferenc pápa életét végigkövető, mintegy 400 képből álló matricafüzet, mindössze 2 Euróért. A Rome Reports riport...
Welcome to our new Contractor website 14 Dec 2010 | 09:49 pm
We would like to invite you to try our newly launched contractor website. Now, in addition to typical information about the services we offer, you can also find the latest industry news reports and mu...
Old Man Smokes With Snoop Dogg 1 Nov 2011 | 10:49 am
Old Man Smokes With Snoop Dogg Haha, this is a brilliant report on Snoop Dogg inviting a prize winning farmer to join him for a smoke at a show, but what is it they were smoking?
O casamento vai sobreviver ao pós-romantismo? 12 Sep 2011 | 03:00 pm
Reportagem aborda a história do casamento e do romantismo. E faz a pergunta "O casamento vai sobreviver ao pós-romantismo?". Para responder essa pergunta a repórter entrevistou a historiadora norte-a...
The Dillman's testimony… 10 Mar 2009 | 07:23 am
Thank you for the report, Mike. And thank you very much for the excellent pictures of a job extraordinarily well done … the results of which clearly add value to our home and that will be enjoyed...