Most Runnymede Jelly Bean Rom related news are at:

Unofficial - ParanoidAndroid v3.69 by NxStep (4.2.2) 23 Aug 2013 | 01:09 am
The "Unofficial - ParanoidAndroid" android™ HD2 rom/build by "NxStep" has been updated to version "v3.69" on "22 Aug 13, 20:09 GMT". The new XDA thread title is: [22.08.2013][ROM][4.2.2] ParanoidAndr...
Pixeldroid by -pixelfreak- (11/08/2013) 12 Aug 2013 | 01:10 am
The "Pixeldroid" android™ HD2 rom/build by "-pixelfreak-" has been updated on "11 Aug 13, 20:10 GMT". The new XDA thread title is: [11/08/2013][Pixeldroid JB 4.2.2 V7.0 FINAL] [AOKP] [720p/HW/Sound/N...
More Runnymede Jelly Bean Rom related news:
Android Jelly Bean ROM for Venerable HTC HD2 17 Jul 2012 | 10:34 pm
Don't underestimate the HTC HD2 because of the phone is a couple of years old, the age doesn't mean it can't run the latest Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Because recently an XDA forum member, smokin901 re...
Android Jelly Bean ROMs For HTC Sensation And HTC Amaze 4G 17 Jul 2012 | 09:28 pm
Android Jelly Bean ROMs For HTC Sensation HTC Amaze 4G. HTC Sensation and HTC Amaze 4G users can show smiles now knowing their devices can have the latest and the greatest Android version, yes you can...
What is a Nexus stock image, and how do you use it? 3 Jul 2012 | 07:05 am
Hacking your Galaxy Nexus is cool – but even cooler is being able to fix it and get back to stock With all the Jelly Bean ROMs floating around out there, more than a few of us have put our Galaxy Nex...
Favorite Jelly Bean ROMs, Removing WiFi reminder on One X [From the Forums] 28 Jul 2012 | 08:03 am
Just in case you missed out on some of the Android news today, now is the time to go ahead and get yourself fully caught up. Here on the blogs and in the Android Central Forums there is plenty to talk...
CM10 Jelly Bean ROM for Rooted Kindle Fire! 5 Aug 2012 | 08:36 am
Download this video for viewing in HD on your smartphone or computer. Click Here to Download High-Quality HD video to your Smartphone or Computer.This video was brought to you by Clic...
How to Install Android 4.1.1 on Samsung Galaxy S3 with this leaked Jelly Bean ROM 17 Aug 2012 | 06:10 pm
Although not even a handful of devices run Android Jelly Bean as yet, it is apparent that the software is catching up. Galaxy Note is expected to get the Jelly... Read more »
Android 4.1 ROM on the S3 [video] 18 Aug 2012 | 09:15 pm
Some amigos over at the Mexican Android fan site have somehow managed to get their hands on a test version of the latest Android 4.1 (jelly Bean) ROM. Well first of all, there isn’t some...
Leaked تسريب روم جيلي بين جديدة Jelly Bean ROM لهاتف الجالاكسي أس 3 Galaxy S بتاريخ اليوم 21 اغسطس August 21 Aug 2012 | 09:27 pm
بعد الروم المسربة الأولى، ثم الروم الثانية التي كانت بتاريخ 14 أغسطس، وصلت اليوم روم Android 4.1 Jelly Bean مسربة أخرى لهاتف سامسونج جالاكسي أس 3 Samsung Galaxy S و هي بتاريخ اليوم 21 اغسطس (Build d...
Galaxy S 3 : تثبيت صلاحيات روت Root و ClockWorkMod على الجالاكسي اس 3 / أندرويد جيلي بين Jelly Bean 22 Aug 2012 | 07:05 pm
بعد تسريب جميع هذه النسخ الأخيرة من إصدارات روم جيلي بين Jelly Bean ROM الخاصة بهاتف سامسونج جالاكسي أس Samsung Galaxy S III و التي كان آخرها يوم 21 اغسطس، بدأ فريق Chainfire في العمل لدعم CF-Root ...
How To Install Jelly Bean 4.1.1 on Samsung Galaxy S3 – AOKP ROM Flash Verizon SCH-I535 7 Sep 2012 | 05:51 am
How To Easily Flash a AOKP Jelly Bean 4.1.1 Rom onto your Verizon Samsung Galaxy S3. Jelly Bean Rom: AOKP Rom Google Apps: Gapps Please Like the video & Favorite. Feel free to leave a comment or Quest...