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More Russian Pthc Web related news:
Maria Sharapova Getting Married in November? 16 Feb 2012 | 11:28 am
Several news agencies and Russian bloggers reported today that Maria Sharapova and her long-time boyfriend Sasha Vujacic will get married this fall. According to a popular Russian social web-site, ten...
Russian Flag Web 2.0 Icon 2 Sep 2010 | 05:12 am
Russian Flag Web 2.0 Icon is a web 2.0 theme icon of Russian flag, avilable in PNG file format (transparent). Russian Flag Web 2.0 Icon Details: Web 2.0 Icon National/Country icon: Flag of Russia Fil...
(Do) Communists Like Us? 15 Jul 2011 | 04:37 am
From a reader: So, sometimes when you go on the Otolith Group website an internet page instantly pops up that is from some kind of Russian financial web-group… If you look in the URL it even says Ot...
Hunt Mobile Ads and WapStart unite mobile web space 8 Oct 2012 | 11:37 am
We made another unique partnership in mobile web. The largest Russian mobile web ad network – WapStart and the first mobile advertising network targeted to Spanish and Portuguese speaking markets – Hu...
Yandex Pushes Bing Off the Podium 16 Feb 2013 | 01:24 pm
Bing has dropped to become the 4th biggest search engine following a growth in the use of Russian based web search service Yandex. New figures released by internet analysis firm, comScore, show the ex...
Dating wikieup. Dating and moving away. 3 Aug 2011 | 11:54 am
Canada money magazine web sites dating, . Dating marion heights. Dating sri lankan women. Gangura girls dating sim, . Soul mate gay dating, . Dating port richey. Russian bbw for dating. Prince william...
Kettlebell Juggling. What?! 4 May 2012 | 11:00 pm
Kiddies, don’t try this at home. These are trained professionals and Russian. Trolling the web for more interesting and fun kettlebell related videos, I came across this gem. A pair of kettlebell ju...
Mac Trojan Infects 600,000 + Macs – Huge Wake Up Call To Apple Owners 6 Apr 2012 | 08:50 pm
Apple Mac Trojan: A Russian anti virus vendor has alerted the mac community that Apple Mac’s are far from immune to security issues as the site Dr.Web claims that over 550,000+ computers are now infe...
More than 600,000 Macs infected with Flashback botnet 8 Apr 2012 | 06:13 am
More than half a million Macs are infected with the Flashback Trojan, a malware package designed to steal personal information, according to a Russian antivirus company. The company -- Dr. Web -- ori...
Language Conquest web page 21 May 2010 | 08:26 am
Realization of a web page to present the activities of a school based in Cyprus in 3 languages (Russian/Latvian/English) : Language Conquest. The template has been designed to keep the 2 logos of the...