Most Samsung S8500 Custom Firmware related news are at:

opera mini 7 (full touch) qwerty for samsung java phones 14 Feb 2013 | 01:49 pm
It seems that the content of this topic is suitable for: Samsung , Star, Samsung GT-S3650 Corby. Please note that we can not manually check the work on all phones. If something is not working, and ...
Assassins creed 3 (java game) samsung star 14 Feb 2013 | 01:43 pm
After years of endless quarrels and conflicts, the 13 American colonies, finally united in the quest for independence. In this era of a hero, and his journey begins on the ashes left over from the ...
More Samsung S8500 Custom Firmware related news:
Our Samsung Galaxy S Forum and Samaung i9000 Galaxy S Blog launched 20 Jun 2010 | 01:26 am
While the Samsung i8910 Omnia HD is still a top mobile phone and still going strong thanks to all the custom firmware we have had over the past year. But Its hard to ignore Samsung’s new Android top d...
Petition for Samsung to improve i8910 Omnia HD firmware 15 Dec 2009 | 12:38 am
While we have had our fair share of improvements via custom firmware as of late, some would say Samsung haven’t done enough to address the issues in the current release firmware. Or look at perhaps po...
Samsung i8910 Omnia HD Custom Firmware / Cooked Roms 11 Nov 2009 | 04:54 am
Many visitors of this site might not be aware that in our forums we have some real i8910 firmware pros. HyperX and Se7ven and just two members pf many, who have cooked up some spectacular Custom Firmw...
Update Samsung Galaxy Captivate i897 to JellyBean 4.1.1 Based Slim Custom Firmware 9 Aug 2012 | 08:11 pm
Samsung Galaxy Captivate is one of the old device and various firmware are available for this device. As the JellyBean is launched many of the users are doubtful where it will work on their device or ...
Arrival date for official Android 4.1 jellybean update for Samsung Galaxy S3 25 Sep 2012 | 09:00 am
After lots of unofficial JellyBean custom firmware and ROM updates for your Samsung galaxy S3 modeled mobile, the samsung official released its full android 4.1 jellybean software and user interface u...
Jelly Bean Blast Custom Firmware for Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 16 Apr 2013 | 09:17 pm
Jelly Bean Blast Custom Firmware for Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 As we all know Android is Day by Day Becoming one of the top Best Smart Phone OS. Android operating system is Developing day by day and th...
Root for Samsung Galaxy S4 for all carriers using Motochopper : AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile 30 Apr 2013 | 11:09 pm
Its odd to go for rooting a brand new Samsung Galaxy S4, the same month its released. But apart from the built in ROM, rooted devices or those posses custom firmware could explore more what the handse...
Update Samsung Galaxy S III to Omega 12 Custom Firmware 20 Aug 2012 | 09:44 pm
The Samsung Galaxy S3 as expected will arrive with hundreds of custom ROM, Omega v12 finally comes here as it’s dubbed as XXBLG9. This firmware comes with a lot of advanced features included in the pa...
Root for Samsung Galaxy S4 for all carriers using Motochopper : AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile 30 Apr 2013 | 11:09 pm
Its odd to go for rooting a brand new Samsung Galaxy S4, the same month its released. But apart from the built in ROM, rooted devices or those posses custom firmware could explore more what the handse...
Remove Yellow Triangle and Reset Flash Counter on Your Samsung Galaxy S4 Using Triangle Away 3.01 16 Aug 2013 | 03:03 am
Many Samsung Galaxy Android devices store an internal counter to track the unofficial firmware, kernel flashes etc. on your device. For example if you install a custom firmware then a visual large tri...