Most Scientific Linux Mirror related news are at:

停止 Fedora Core 4 之前的 Mirror 2 Jul 2007 | 04:06 pm
Fedora 7 出了,因為硬碟空間有限,又官方目前對於 Fedora Core 4 (含)及以前的版本,都不再支援更新 因此,Fedora Core 4 及之前的版本都將刪除以清出硬碟空間來 Mirror Fedora 7 若還有空間,則將 Mirror EPEL 5
COSCUP - Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters! 24 Oct 2006 | 01:13 pm
COSCUP - Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters! 時間: 2006 年 10 月 28 日(六) 9:30 - 18:00 地點:台大綜合體育館二樓 誰應該參加:寫 open source 軟體的開發者、熱衷 open source 軟體的推廣者、熟悉 open source 軟體的使用者、想了解 open so...
More Scientific Linux Mirror related news:
關於 Scientific Linux 的 Mirror 24 Oct 2006 | 01:08 pm
CLE 是 Scientific Linux 的 Official Mirror Sites 之一 Scientific Linux 是 based on RHEL 而生出來的,跟 CentOS 是類似的計畫 都是拿 RHEL 的 scource rpms 來 rebuild 的 要使用 CLE 上的 Scientific Linux Mirror,Yum repository 的設定請參考...
Install VirtualBox on CentOS / Scientific Linux 18 Apr 2012 | 01:06 am
This how-to is about installing VirtualBox on CentOS 6.2. Provided instructions should also work on Scientific Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It is possible to install VirtualBox from rpm...
Sudo on CentOS / Scientific Linux / RHEL 17 Apr 2012 | 01:21 am
This short howto is about setting up sudo on Red Hat Entreprise Linux and its derivates CentOS and Scientific Linux. It also gives a quick introduction on using the vi text editor through visudo. Bec...
CLE 主機上的 fedora mirror 17 May 2006 | 10:59 pm
目前 CLE 主機上 Fedora Core Linux Mirror 的方式及架構整理如下: ISOs 部份: 放置於 底下 Yum Repository 部份: [core] [updates] ftp://cle....
CLE 上的 Frugalware Linux Mirror 17 May 2006 | 10:39 pm
Frugalware Linux is general purpose linux distribution, designed for intermediate users (who are not afraid of text mode). 前一陣子 Frugalware Linux 的開發者寫信給我,希望在亞洲也能有 Frugalware Linux 的 Mirror Site 因此,我...
Linux&C. 75 in edicola! 1 Dec 2011 | 05:54 am
Finalmente in edicola il nuovo numero! Scientific Linux 6.1, Mint Debian 201109 e Mandriva 2011Scientific Linux, una delle derivate di RHEL di maggior successo; Mint Debian e Mandriva 2011, oltre ai s...
Mandriva Linux Mirror Repository List 6 Jan 2011 | 12:43 pm
LifeType 無法運作,因為安裝了 php-intl 5 Mar 2011 | 09:09 pm
原本安裝 Lifetype 的主機平台為 CentOS 5.5 (相容 RHEL 5.5), 因硬體老舊損壞,只好買一台新主機,安裝 Scientific Linux 6 (相容 RHEL 6), 把 lifetype 1.2.10 搬移到新主機,測試後都無異常。 在安裝 Roundcube webmail 0.5.1 後,LifeType 便無法使用, Firefox 變成 空頁面,httpd...
how to get myubuntu 12.04 installed 16 Jul 2012 | 03:12 pm
I have emachine with mediacenter(scratch xp) t5216 I believe ram 512; HD 160 not sure about the video or sound card. Is ubuntu right for my machine or puppy? I tried scientific linux and I went back t... 30 Jul 2012 | 03:06 pm
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