Most Scottish Independence Seminar 2012 related news are at: – DEVOLUTION MATTERS | a blog of comment and analysis about devolution in the United Kingdom, how it works and how it is developing

Implementing the Silk Commission’s proposals, and the Welsh block grant 20 Jul 2013 | 05:12 pm

This post also appears on the Institute of Welsh Affairs’ ‘Click on Wales’ blog under the title ‘Havering over Welsh taxation’, here.  I’ll be on BBC Radio Wales’s ‘Sunday Supplement’ programme to tal...

Evidence to Part 2 of the Silk Commission’s inquiry 17 Jul 2013 | 01:39 pm

A little while ago I submitted a formal memorandum of evidence to the Silk Commission, for part 2 of their inquiry into constitutional matters relating to Welsh devolution.  It is concerned with const...

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