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Baskit $12 Tuesday 27 Aug 2013 | 05:10 pm
This week the Baskit $12 Tuesday is the Light Yoga Cut V-Neck. Each week Baskit puts one pair on special. When can you get this shirt only today. Also while on the special page see the other pairs on ...
Ditch the Underwear Models Let’s see Real Guys! 27 Aug 2013 | 01:00 am
“LETS SEE REAL GUYS IN UNDERWEAR” is something we hear all the time on the blog. This was even written up in a recent New York Times Article called “Changes in the Marketing of men’s underwear” (http...
More Shaun Morales Photos related news:
Discussing Morality 26 Aug 2013 | 01:48 pm
By Apostate Paul ~ "So, you're an atheist now." Morality (Photo credit: dietmut) One of my buddies asked me this one idle evening after work. A few weeks prior, I had sent out a letter to all of my...
The Truth About Morality 12 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
Photo: Markus Lütkemeyer Though philosophers and religious authorities have debated the question of morality (i.e., what constitutes good and evil) for centuries, Buddhism offers a relatively straigh...
Discussing Morality 26 Aug 2013 | 01:48 pm
By Apostate Paul ~ "So, you're an atheist now." Morality (Photo credit: dietmut) One of my buddies asked me this one idle evening after work. A few weeks prior, I had sent out a letter to all of my...
Discussing Morality 26 Aug 2013 | 01:48 pm
By Apostate Paul ~ "So, you're an atheist now." Morality (Photo credit: dietmut) One of my buddies asked me this one idle evening after work. A few weeks prior, I had sent out a letter to all of my...
Discussing Morality 26 Aug 2013 | 01:48 pm
By Apostate Paul ~ "So, you're an atheist now." Morality (Photo credit: dietmut) One of my buddies asked me this one idle evening after work. A few weeks prior, I had sent out a letter to all of my...
The many unanswered questions of the moral and... 13 Mar 2011 | 11:15 pm
The many unanswered questions of the moral and legal boundaries of cyber espionage. Great read on Stuxnet development and proliferation in Vanity Fair. Photo via Al Fin.
LA PHOTO GLAMOUR composition et éclairage - Cahier Technique #1 - Atelier #1 24 May 2008 | 10:56 pm
Nous sommes le plus souvent indifférents à la lumière qui baigne notre quotidien. Elle influence pourtant notre moral, règle nos horloges internes, nous informe sur les obstacles qui nous entourent...
Vanessa had a little lamb. 16 Mar 2012 | 06:51 am
s Its looking good for Shaun no 2 The little lamb is doing well, he is feeding voraciously and is regarding Vanessa as his mum (photo above) Everywhere Vanessa goes , the little lamb goes too . A....
Petits gâteau et verrines : Stage Lentre + Toronto bye bye la France ^^ 28 Feb 2009 | 05:17 am
Oui oui honte à moi je n'ai pas postée les photos la semaine dernière, et je poste avec un retard de 1 semaine. Mais bon j'ai 2 bonnes excuses, car 1: pas trop le morale comme le montre mon chouette p...
pamatay's photo nasa Abante Column. 25 Jul 2011 | 07:50 pm
The photos posted by “Pamatay Homesick” in his Facebook Wall give us an exhilarating feeling. Filipinos in Kuwait came in droves, most probably took a day off from work, to give moral support to the ...