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Persée en chiffres 29 Mar 2012 | 07:54 pm
126 revues présentes sur le portail 48 revues en cours de traitement pour diffusion prochaine 402 039 documents diffusés 155 569 articles scientifiques en texte intégral 14 007 versions sonores d'...
6 Edits Made to RSS Specification 31 Mar 2009 | 12:00 am
In a 7-0 vote, the RSS Advisory Board has approved six edits to the RSS specification, the documentation for the RSS 2.0 format. These edits do not affect the definitions of the elements and attribute...
The RSS Namespace? 13 Feb 2009 | 06:46 pm
Should RSS have a namespace? Recently, there's been discussion on th rss-public messages list about adding a namespace to RSS for RSS elements that are embedded in other XML documents. Currently, it i...
Excel Document Scanning With Zend_Search_Lucene 11 May 2009 | 09:25 pm
Zend_Search_Lucene offers some powerful document scanning capabilities, and there are a few different formats that are useful for the search engine to index. To allow the indexing and searching of Ex...
List of Essential Oils 20 Nov 2011 | 11:58 pm
Essential oils and aromatherapy have been common healing and therapeutic methods since the first century. There is also documented evidence of essential oils being used by the ancient Egyptian Pharos,...
Annulation de commande dans Google Analytics 24 Apr 2012 | 02:51 am
D'après la documentation de Google Analytics, il est possible d'annuler une commande (ou transaction). Cette opération consiste à envoyer des valeurs négatives au niveau des informations de la transac...
about 9 Jul 2011 | 06:41 am
Check our new tutorials, more than 50 tutorials with sources are available to help you create the most impressive 3D web application! Active forum, FAQ and online documentation are here to help you f...
download 15 Apr 2011 | 12:23 am
See important information in the FAQ Sandy 3.1.2 - AS3 Download sources and documentation :: Download all Flash CS3 3.1.1 examples Online documentation Some 3.1.1 examples may not work out of the ...
Turning single value processing function into multi value with @Transform 19 Jan 2007 | 07:00 am
A co-developer recently had a list of document unique ID's. He wanted to look up a value from each of the documents. His first thought was to use @GetDocField, as in @GetDocField(unidList; "Form"). ("...
Document Locking and ws.EditDocument 18 Nov 2006 | 07:00 am
I haven't used document locking very much, but one customer insisted on it. Then, after implementing document locking, I ended up with a bunch of replication/save conflicts. After several hours of dig...