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Plan Failure Quote 27 Aug 2013 | 03:34 am
People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan. - Unknown The post Plan Failure Quote appeared first on SickQuotes.
Nicki Minaj Quote 23 Aug 2013 | 04:36 am
Sometimes you don’t realize how far you’ve gotten until you look around at the people who are still trailing far behind you. - Nicki Minaj The post Nicki Minaj Quote appeared first on SickQuotes.
More Sick Space Com related news:
Planet Hunter Bill Borucki Calls Kepler Discoveries 'Game-Changing' - 4 Feb 2011 | 08:05 am
Scientists announced yesterday (Feb. 2) that NASA's Kepler mission has discovered 1,235 alien planet candidates, including 54 that orbit in their host stars' habitable zone — that just-righ...
Up to the plate... 29 Aug 2011 | 11:07 am
One more player in the Commercial Space front is now stepping up to the plate: Orbital Sciences is now ready to test itsel...
Visiting Asteroids 19 Jul 2011 | 04:57 am Well, I have to hand it to NASA, they absolutely have a crack CG and A/V staff that can paint fun pictures of what will likely not...
Hujan Meteor 22 Oct 2009 | 05:39 am, Rabu (21/10/2009) melansir, sama seperti kebanyakan hujan meteor lainnya, kedatangan Orionid juga disebabkan oleh partikel yang berhubungan dengan komet, dalam hal ini komet yang dimaksud a...
Your Brand 8 Dec 2011 | 06:32 am is the brainchild of former event director of Pure London Sam Bleasby, and former WGSN marketing director Louisa Valvano. The brief was to create an online marketplace for retailers...
Everything related to space 6 Jul 2010 | 05:34 am – All kinds of information about space including lots of photos.
Asteroids and the Human Animal 5 Oct 2011 | 02:09 am
I saw an article about Killer Asteriods and how Humanity must work together. See Killer Asteroids on This brings us back to “Can Humans work together?” Even if we have nanotechnology, this g...
Will Apophis Hit Earth in 2036? NASA Rejects Russian Report 9 Feb 2011 | 08:34 am
Michelle Bryner, Life’s Little Mysteries Contributor, Michelle Bryner, Life’s Little Mysteries Contributor, – Mon Feb 7, 6:30 pm ET In 2004, NASA scientists announced that there wa...
给某颗星星命名?购买星星命名服务的真相。 12 Dec 2010 | 06:56 pm
英语练习,原文: 这听上去非常诱人——让一颗星星以你自己或你所爱的人的名字命名。在一张羊皮纸证书和祈祷声中,玛莎阿姨得以遨游银河,永久闪耀。 已经有几十万人购买了这项看上去让自己脸上有光的服务。少数人知道它的真相,更多人依然会去购买。但是,这里存在很多疑问。一位
¡¡¡UNETE A LA REVOLUCIÓN!!! 21 Aug 2007 | 04:32 pm
Bueno, en una pagina de internet que me parece que es MY SPACE.COM, ay un promo donde dicen que habra un concierto del Project revolutio, este 22 de Agosto en una pagina de my, que es ...