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Schneideplotter Silhouette Cameo wieder lieferbar! 2 Apr 2012 | 09:37 pm
Nach etlichen Turbulenzen rund um den neuen Silhouette Schneideplotter ist es nun soweit. Der Schneideplotter kann ab dem 05.04.2012 wieder geliefert werden. An dieser Stelle auch noch mal vielen Dank...
Silhouette CAMEO & Rolling Tote Deal 24 May 2012 | 05:59 am
Hello friends! I'm just popping in today to share the latest and greatest deal on the Silhouette. Oh how I love my CAMEO! I have spent many hours getting to know my CAMEO since I received it just a...
Mal eine Karte 25 Jun 2012 | 04:44 pm
Mit dem Skizzenstift der Silhouette Cameo habe ich die Umrisse vorgezeichnet, dann aus schwarzem, mattem Vinyl das Motiv ausgeschnitten, die Ränder noch mit Distress Ink bearbeitet, aufkleben, noch et...
Ploter tnąco-kreślący Silhouette - załóż własny, mały biznes! - Pozostałe - cena: 0.00 PLN - dodano: 30-07-2012 30 Jul 2012 | 04:00 am
Nowość! Ploter tnąco-kreślący, rolkowy Silhouette CAMEO (obszar roboczy 30,5 cm x 3 m) – aktualnie najtańszy i najmniejszy tak wszechstronny ploter tnący, rolkowy w Polsce! Bardzo prosty w obsłudze n...
Black Friday Sale 23 Nov 2012 | 03:28 pm
Save 10% on die cutting machines, including the Silhouette Cameo and Portrait. Save 30% on everything else! Use coupon code Black12 at checkout.
My letter to Santa 30 Nov 2012 | 03:06 am
Did you know that Silhouette America is having a Letter to Santa Contest? The grand prize is fabulous, and includes a Silhouette Cameo! Here's my letter: And for those of you in Utah, you may be in...
Baseball Mom Shirt – Silhouette Cameo 18 Feb 2013 | 04:38 am
G’Day all! My big guy has ventured in to the world of organized baseball and so in support of him, I decided to make myself and my husband some super cool t-shirts with my Silhouette Cameo. I definite...
Silhouette Cameo – My new 30 Mar 2013 | 08:12 am
Hey there, Everyone! So many of you, like myself, were glued to HSN during their recent 24-hour craft day. Wow, what a day! There was so much temptation and so many amazing deals to take advantage ...
Sketching out Your Dreams 8 Apr 2013 | 06:46 pm
What do I love about my Silhouette Cameo machine? Everything! It is so versatile! I was playing with the sketch feature recently. Love it! I whipped up some cards. I'm going to share those with y...
Box with Pull-out Photo Strand using Silhouette Cameo 12 Apr 2013 | 06:45 pm
Overall, this was a pretty simple project for a beginner Silhouette Cameo user; which I am.=) With some of the files, I wish they included some assembly instructions, but this one was quite easy to f...