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edited The Great Merlini 15 Aug 2013 | 02:09 am
"Nothing Is Impossible" reads the sign behind the counter in Merlini's Magic Shop, where the magician-cum-sleuth sells (and creates, when necessary) items for professional magicians to use in their ac...
added The Great Merlini 15 Aug 2013 | 02:04 am
Rawson, Clayton ~ The Great Merlini: The Complete Stories of the Magician Detective (1979) As I have acknowledged in an essay and in other book reviews, I'm a sucker for impossible crime stor...
More Simon Nash Detective related news:
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Season 13 Episode 16 Child’s Welfare 24 Aug 2013 | 02:03 am
Detective Benson’s half-brother Simon Marsden turns up in New York after a five year absence, and asks for help – Child Services is threatening to take his children away from him. She asks defense att...
Simon And Simon COMPLETE S 1-4 avi 26 Aug 2013 | 08:08 pm
Simon And Simon COMPLETE S 1-4 avi Código: Cita:Two brothers of disparate tastes and manners run a private detective agency. A.J. Simon is a polished fellow with a ...