Most Simple Metal Projects related news are at:

Making an index wheel for the G0602 16 Aug 2013 | 11:16 pm
Several years ago I made an index wheel for my G0602. At the time I was building a modified Brooks cutter/grinder and had a number of calibrated dials and knobs to make. I never wrote up the index w...
How to Make a Custom Tap for Uncommon or Proprietary Threads 27 Jul 2013 | 07:52 am
Have you ever needed a special size nut with uncommon or proprietary threads? Recently, I came upon a special size nut that I needed to repair an old Brown & Sharpe Protractor. Measuring the stud that...
More Simple Metal Projects related news:
The Future of Publius Endures 5 Feb 2009 | 05:40 am
As you all may have noticed, posting around these parts has been light of late, and posts exclusive to this site have been virtually non-existent. The reason for this is very simple: the project Dave,...
How Creative Mirrors Can Transform Your Bathroom 27 Feb 2012 | 04:52 pm
The bathroom mirror is a classic fixture, but you don’t have to stick with classic square, oval, or rectangle shapes in a simple metal frame. Instead, you can transform your entire bathroom with a cre...
Your ears deserve silver earrings 12 Feb 2011 | 06:57 pm
“It’s a marvellous experience to visit online jewelry stores and appreciate the craftsmen, who with their skill turned a simple metal into something very beautiful—silver earrings” Whether its pearls...
A Simple Linen Project 30 Dec 2010 | 11:22 pm
I truly hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and were able to spend special time with loved ones. We had a lovely time together as a family and enjoyed the company of extended family on Christmas day...
Dark Energy LXX 14 Jan 2012 | 12:29 am
1. The Rainbow Machine The Rainbow Machine is a simple, joyful project that uses the idea of light painting to add a rainbow to the background of photos. Nice. 2. Light Beatiful light ooze. 3. New...
The Ruins Of Beverast - Unlock The Shrine 3 Aug 2007 | 07:06 am
"The Ruins of Beverast, a German oppressive black metal project born and raised by the old Nagelfar drummer Alexander von Meilenwald. With "Unlock the Shrine" the first full-lenght album was created ...
Walnut Baby Tutorial 6 Feb 2011 | 08:56 am
I love making these for my daughter and thought I’d share how I make them in case anyone else fancies giving it a go. Its a very simple sewing project and older children who are handy with a needle co...
How Can I Clean The Air Conditioning Conduit 21 Jul 2011 | 03:57 am
Air conditioning ducts are simple metal plates and pipes that carry hot and cold air throughout the house. Some of these air channels spread throughout the home to provide adequate ventilation. So, wh...
Get started with simple jewelry projects! 6 Sep 2007 | 03:04 am
A quick search of for "Tutorial" and "Etsy" netted me this easy peasy idea: Making briolette charm drop necklaces Brought to you by Itsyourlife! Check out her shop at
500 Things 29 May 2012 | 07:51 am
Source: Uploaded by user via Trish on Pinterest So, I’m on the hunt for 500 things that I can remove from my house. It began as just 100 things, a simple weekend project just to take the outer...