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RIM and Motorola tweak Apple’s nano-SIM design, replace holding tray with ‘push-push’ mechanism 27 May 2012 | 03:48 am
RIM and Motorola have teamed up to develop a compromise nano-SIM concept that it effectively a tweaked Apple nano-SIM. The companies have reportedly stuck with the same outline and contacts, meaning t...
newletters 18 Jul 2008 | 08:19 am
Voici la newletters de juillet et aout Pour lire la newsletter Sims en ligne, cliquez ici ! LA DÉCO ET LA MODE : ENTRE RÉEL ET VIRTUEL Les Sims Design Tendances incontournables du moment, le desi...
True Immersion – Templum Ex Obscurum 26 Aug 2008 | 04:01 pm
Now I have had some time back in Second Life nice to visit a very special build, hat tip to Bettina over at NPIRL. As well as being inspired to pop over to this wonderfully rich sim designed and built...
شماره ۴۲ مجله ساخت و تولید (آذرماه) منتشر شد 14 Dec 2012 | 04:57 pm
در شماره ۴۲ می خوانید: مقدمه ای بر فن آوری نانو شکل دهی تدریجی با استفاده از واتر جت اتوماسیون، رمز عبور از بحران Sim Designer for CATIA روش محاسبه طول گسترده توسط نرم افزار CATIA ابر نقاط و...
MS4701 - galaktyczna propozycja od Manty 26 Aug 2013 | 10:52 pm
Pod koniec sierpnia na polski rynek trafi dwurdzeniowy smartfon Manta Duo Galactic MS4701 z dwoma gniazdami na kartę SIM. Design urządzenia dość wyraźnie nawiązuje do Samsunga Galaxy S III.
Acer Liquid Z3 Duo 16 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am
Le Acer Liquid Z3 Duo est un mobile. Ces points positifs sont : prix très abordable, gère deux cartes sim, design agréable et ces points négatifs sont : performances moyennes, ecran de résolution trop...
Creativule care eşti tu creativ 24 Nov 2010 | 08:44 pm
Una din cele mai populare descrieri profesionale adoptate de designeri e ceva de genul “Salut, mă cheamă Gigi şi sunt creative designer”. Gigi, prietene, hai să lămurim nişte chestii. Dacă ai simţit ...
I am done with my social experiments on Sims for now but... 29 Aug 2009 | 12:02 pm
I played this game like mad for over a month, successfully establishing a dynasty of Sims who had no need to work but could afford to screw around all day. I made a fabulous house based on a design I ...
CPR Course Being Offered By Gold Coast Library 23 May 2012 | 07:12 am
The Gold Coast Public Library is offering a CPR Course on Saturday, June 9th from 11AM to 3PM at the Library Annex located at 40 Railroad Ave, Glen Head, NY. The course is designed for bystanders, eme...
Will Wright Profiled 3 Nov 2006 | 12:02 pm
Ever wondered what it would be like to be one of the most famous game designers in the world? The New Yorker has a fascinating profile of Will Wright — the man behind Sim City, The Sims, and the upco...