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Studio One Free 2 Jan 2013 | 01:03 am
Presonus Studio One Free includes the following features : Elegant single-window work environment Powerful drag-and-drop functionality Unlimited Audio and Instrument (MIDI) tracks Unlimited FX channe...
P!nk – Just Give Me A Reason feat. Nate Ruess 12 May 2013 | 01:57 pm
Track # Track Name Demo Price E-mailed Midi Format (no shipping) P!nk – Just Give Me A Reason feat. Nate Ruess $ 5.99 Available in | | Format. IMPORTANT: If you order Midi tracks (which are emailed) b...
P!nk – Just Give Me A Reason feat. Nate Ruess 12 May 2013 | 01:57 pm
Track # Track Name Demo Price E-mailed Midi Format (no shipping) P!nk – Just Give Me A Reason feat. Nate Ruess $ 5.99 Available in | | Format. IMPORTANT: If you order Midi tracks (which are emailed) b...
Samplitude Academy – Record and edit MIDI drums 22 Apr 2013 | 06:31 pm
After making all necessary preparations, we are now ready to make the first recording of our MIDI drums. Step 1: Click on the track header of the MIDI track you want to record in. Step 2: Set you...
Digital Performer [MacOS]: Usage, Techniques, Tips & Optimization • Re: Track Folders- how many is too many? 27 Aug 2013 | 08:02 am
Killahurts wrote: FMiguelez wrote:The best way I've found to organize my tracks is by simply keeping ALL VIs in a V-rack (so they're accesible fom any chunk), ALL MIDI tracks at the top of each TO, o...
Digital Performer [MacOS]: Usage, Techniques, Tips & Optimization • Re: Track Folders- how many is too many? 27 Aug 2013 | 07:56 am
FMiguelez wrote: The best way I've found to organize my tracks is by simply keeping ALL VIs in a V-rack (so they're accesible fom any chunk), ALL MIDI tracks at the top of each TO, organized by famili...
Digital Performer [MacOS]: Usage, Techniques, Tips & Optimization • Re: Track Folders- how many is too many? 27 Aug 2013 | 07:34 am
The best way I've found to organize my tracks is by simply keeping ALL VIs in a V-rack (so they're accesible fom any chunk), ALL MIDI tracks at the top of each TO, organized by families in their folde...
midi editor frozen 27 Aug 2013 | 04:18 am
I have multiple sclerosis so easier to post a question then search FAQ. several projects going only one having troubles. That one has several midi-tracks and when I go to midi editor it is froze on on...
Using iPad Live On Stage 22 Mar 2012 | 03:25 pm
As a “Las Vegas One Man Band“, I’m always looking for ways to modernize my performance gear. Until now, I’ve been using mididiscs to play my backing tracks, which were recorded over from MIDI sound mo...
Free Midi files 7 Nov 2011 | 07:00 am
Here are some midi files which can be used as backing tracks for singing along with! Enjoy! Amplify’d from Free MIDI Ifni MIDI Files Tracks Downloads MIDI Rock Pop Themes Rap...