Most Sirc Gotoh related news are at:

Not dead... 13 Oct 2012 | 11:18 am
...just comatose. Apologies are in order. Work has been kicking my ass. It's not fun when your superiors' demands/expectations of you change from week to week, regardless of your regularly prescribed...
Proper Sex Ed by Juan Gotoh 3 May 2012 | 06:01 pm
Let's get back into the swing of things. mirror: here
More Sirc Gotoh related news:
Продаю Gibson LP Special 35 т.р. (обоснованный торг) 30 Aug 2011 | 08:10 am
From Gibson LP Special 1992 Больше фото. Звучки P100. Стреплоки. Колки новые Gotoh, держат на ура. По корпусу есть небольшие сколы, на уровень игры не влияют) В комплекте жесткий кофр под леспол. Г.....
Otoko Music - KILLER 17 Apr 2012 | 09:27 pm
Killer Exploder. Made in Japan. Early 90s. Made famous by the Loudness guitarist, Akira Takasaki. Purple metallic finished. Maple fretboard. Gotoh Machine heads. YES! Another Killer in the house! Cond...
ウクレレ FS-1を改造、ギアペグ化 22 Aug 2011 | 08:17 am
先日購入したウクレレ、Famous FS-1 をギアペグに改造した。 用意したギアペグはGOTOH UK12/N。探した中では楽天が最安値で3400円+送料だった。(2011/8調査) ギアペグ化の手順は 元のペグをはずす ペグ穴をドリルで拡張 ギアペグを取り付け ギアペグ GOTOH UK12/N は実測44gで、元のペグ42gから2gしか違わないので、ヘッドの重さも特に感じられる変...
Účes pro hranatý obličej 1 Oct 2010 | 06:45 am
Pro správný účes hranatého obličeje je potřeba si uvědomit jeho charakteristické rysy. Pro hranatý obličej je typická úzká brada a vysoké čelo. Často i lícní kosti ve stejné šířce jako čelo. Cílem toh...
ウクレレ FS-1を改造、ギアペグ化 22 Aug 2011 | 08:17 am
先日購入したウクレレ、Famous FS-1 をギアペグに改造した。 用意したギアペグはGOTOH UK12/N。探した中では楽天が最安値で3400円+送料だった。(2011/8調査) ギアペグ化の手順は 元のペグをはずす ペグ穴をドリルで拡張 ギアペグを取り付け ギアペグ GOTOH UK12/N は実測44gで、元のペグ42gから2gしか違わないので、ヘッドの重さも特に感じられる変...
Adecuada Educacion Sexual by Juan Gotoh 28 May 2012 | 02:00 am
Hikaru es descubierto por su madre mientras se masturbaba, ahora ella quiere enseñarle la forma correcta de hacerlo, pero no sabe como hacerlo exactamente. Disfrutenlo =3 Descarga AQUI
Lazy Holiday Special Pt.3 - Lost focus 9 May 2011 | 02:06 pm
One more, 'cause there's gotta be three. 'The Minami Family Bitches' from 'The Cherry Boys' by Rio Yanagawa, translated by sirC Oh, this one's dirty. Only the basic framework of a plot; shota-dude's...
Proper Sex Ed by Juan Gotoh 3 May 2012 | 06:01 pm
Let's get back into the swing of things. mirror: here
(tap, tap) This thing on? 11 Apr 2012 | 05:51 pm
Hey. Sorry I haven't been updating. I'll save you my bellyaching excuses. I'll get on it. No, I haven't died. Yes, I will finish Undead Princess. And the Gotoh stories. Except that one without any dia...
She Saw Me Fapping?! by Juan Gotoh 22 Dec 2011 | 09:38 pm
Thought I could get this one out pretty quick, thankfully I did. Now go be with your families. /clever segue mirror: here (Idols for preview purposes only...