Most Sissy Hubby Blog related news are at:

A Feminized Husband is Forced 13 Jan 2011 | 05:32 pm
Goddess Starla is quite successful in the feminization of her husband, Randy. It’s been quite a bit of time now and the female hormones have had some effect on his skin and body, as you can tell from ...
Sissy Husband Humiliation to the MAX 2 Sep 2010 | 03:24 am
Goddess Starla was horny yesterday morning. Her sissy slave husband had a hard cock too, especially after his wife teased him until he needed release. This cuckolds wife had other plans tho. Refusing ...
More Sissy Hubby Blog related news:
Kimchi Rice 12 Aug 2013 | 09:30 pm
This recipe was inspired from the one that I saw on Sissi’s blog, With a Glass, Kimchi Fried Rice, since then I wanted to make this kimchi fried rice. Well, I got a big jar of kimchi from Costco and h...
Has anyone missed me???? 28 May 2012 | 02:20 pm
Has anyone noticed I have not posted or done anything really here on my blog? I have missed everyone and missed telling everyone what is going on. My Hubby lost his job again. About 4 years ago I open...
kepong - cyberjaya - kepong 3 Dec 2010 | 07:03 pm
halaaa lama tak hapdet blog nih.. lama tu sebab haritu aku pi JB..tengok kazen aku kawen.. wawawawa..da ada hubby da dia.. best best.. takmo cite sal kenduri tu sbb tak larat nak type pepanjang.. lagi...
Kawaii Shopping In Japan 5 May 2012 | 01:05 am
Hmmm…I think I am in big trouble. I don’t think my hubby will ever want to take me to Japan again. Lol. I bought soooooooooooooo much stuff!!!!! I was planning to blog while I was over there, but our...
Biking from Monterey to SLO 27 Apr 2012 | 11:03 am
Well, it’s time for another personal photo blog! Seany (the hubby) and I love to do all sorts of out-doorsy sporty things, and that includes bike touring. For those who don’t know, bike touring is lik... 10 Jan 2006 | 12:36 pm
Welcome, Sissies! This is the official blog of the Sissy School. As those of you who've visted the School well know, the Sissy School is a wonderful place where sissies and Mistresses and come togethe...
Yup, I'd found Facebook.... 20 Dec 2010 | 11:19 pm
*head hung low*...and this blog has been neglected! I'd been refraining myself from FB but hubby opened an account for me and the rest is history. So it's his fault. I write this post to kickstart blo...
Daia 1st GiveAway from Over the Sea 3 Nov 2010 | 06:02 pm
Kali ni nak test nasib join GA dari blog Untuk sertai GA ni ke jawab soalan di bawah :- Mana destinasi honeymoon ujung tahun saya bersama hubby buat kali ke-4 thn nie...
yes...nak pi jalan. :-) 5 Jan 2011 | 12:26 am
salam..macam biasa la aku ni..2-3 ari baru nak update blog..apala..sebab takde benda nak citer pun..insya allah jumaat ni kami sekeluarga nak ke Melaka..kenduri cousin hubby..mungkin leh la jalan2 sek...
Keeping It Real 8 Dec 2010 | 04:26 pm
I wasn't going to blog tonight. Because I'm not in the most... let's say "sociable" mood. See? No one real reason. Just... sour moods of co-workers. oil light came on in car. hubby's working t...