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Straw Dogs (سگهاي پوشالي) 6 Nov 2009 | 10:05 am
درام٬ مهیج کارگردان Sam Peckinpah نوشته ی Sam Peckinpah & David Zelag Goodman اولین پخش در ۳ نوامبر ۱۹۷۱ انگلستان محصول مشترک ایالات متحده٬ انگلستان انگلیسی ۱۱۸ دقیقه
Straw Dogs by John Gray 17 Jan 2010 | 04:36 am
Subtitle: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals I have confessed in other postings that my background in philosophy is far from profound. However, it is a subject (in a very broad definition) that is ...
Straw Dogs 18 Sep 2011 | 12:00 pm
Category: All Genres: Release Year: 2011 Country: Runtime: 110 Rating: (0) Languages: English Director: Rod Lurie Sound: SDDS, Dolby Digital, DTS Taglines: Everyone Has a Breaking Point Don't l...
Straw Dogs tapes vol. # 9 / compiled by Ellen Camenovits 24 Jul 2012 | 08:22 pm
Άρθρο από το blog: Straw Dogs Magazine: Κάθε εβδομάδα ένας ξεχωριστός καλεσμένος του Straw Dogs Magazine, επιλέγει τα τραγούδια και "φτιάχνει" μια φανταστική θεματική κασέτα με τα δέκα α
Τα αυτοπορτραίτα του Hunter S. Thompson 25 Jul 2012 | 10:03 pm
Άρθρο από το blog: Straw Dogs Magazine: Ο Hunter S. Thompson έσκυψε κάποτε πάνω απ’ τη γραφομηχανή του κι αντέγραψε απ’ την αρχή ως το τέλος όλον τον «Μεγάλο Γκάτσμπυ» του F. Scott Fitzgerald μόν...
Click here for Horror Movies 24 Sep 2012 | 05:40 pm
Wondering which were the best horror movies of 2011? Well, there were plenty of pointless yet entertaining big-budget remakes (The Thing, Fright Night 3D, Straw Dogs), sequels (Scream 4, Wrong Turn 4,...
Worth watching Straw Dogs (1971) 25 Jul 2013 | 08:24 pm
Straw dogs is classic by Great Sam Peckinpah, this is original Straw dogs movie there is also a remake from 2011. In this movie we see a evolution of one man from somebody who is just going through to...
You're Next (Movie Review) 27 Aug 2013 | 05:21 am
You're Next (Lionsgate, 2013) Director Adam Wingard's home-invasion/slasher hybrid lacks the harrowing suspense of The Strangers, the psychological insight of (the original) Straw Dogs, and the dark ...
Hot Dog ! Obtenez votre Hot Dog ! 2 Jul 2011 | 01:22 am
Avez-vous déjà assisté à un match de baseball des ligues majeures et entendu « hot-dog …. Obtenez votre hot-dog »? En grandissant, les hot-dogs ont été un de mes plats préférés. Mais avant que vous ne...
Benefits of Having an Internet Enabled Security System 17 Apr 2012 | 01:06 am
The alarm system of today is not just the loud, annoying, repetitive noise that can be just as easily tripped up by the family dog as an intruding burglar. The alarm systems available on the market to...