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Hacking Megapack 7 Mar 2012 | 01:50 pm
Got a huge hacking megapack full of crypters, binders, booters, ddossers, loggers, spoofers and some ebooks as well. This pack will surely aid you in getting your feet into the world of hacking. T...
Do you Keylogger Undetectable using Binders and Crypters! 15 Mar 2012 | 02:28 am
Making keyloggers Undetectable using Binders and Crypters! The biggest challenge after creating keylogger installation file, is to convince your victim to install that keylogger on his PC. Normally f...
Cheat Recoil, Crosshair Sniper, dan HMS Crypter 25 May 2012 | 12:38 am
Cheat Recoil, Crosshair Sniper, dan HMS Crypter Point Blank Indonesia. Product Name : Comaga Dukent Multi DLL Injector Released : 05-02-2011 Creator : Comaga Dukent Ucapan Terima Kasih : Thanks t...
Stealth Crypter v2.3 10 May 2012 | 03:23 am - Graphics, Hacking, SEO Tools, Software, Templates Stealth Crypter v2.3 Coded in : VB.Net Dependencies : Framework 2.0 Works On : Windows XP/Vista/7 Encryption : XOR or TripleDES, and ...
Chucky Crypter 10 May 2012 | 02:33 am - Graphics, Hacking, SEO Tools, Software, Templates Chucky Crypter Overview Builder is coded in VB6 & stub is coded in C++ (ANSI) 50kb++ No dependency which doesn’t need any extra runti...
Sheikh Crypter 10 May 2012 | 02:12 am - Graphics, Hacking, SEO Tools, Software, Templates Sheikh Crypter OVERVIEW Sheikh Crypter is one of the easiest crypters with advanced features. Its coded from scratch in C#, so it wil...
Sikandar’s Crypter 10 May 2012 | 01:33 am - Graphics, Hacking, SEO Tools, Software, Templates Sikandar’s Crypter Basic information: Sikandar’s crypter is the longest running crypter sold on HF and is one of the best p...
CrypteX v2.5 – Learn From The Best Advanced Crypter Source 16 Apr 2012 | 07:50 am
Cryptex 2.5 is coded by Killamuvz. This Crypter source is coded in C#. Killamuvz has implemented advanced features such as having 2 encryption methods, using various encryptions such as RC2, PolyRC2 ...
Saddam Crypter Source: Learn From The Best And Most Popular Source! 29 Feb 2012 | 12:34 pm
Saddam Crypter Is currently the best seller. The Crypter Source provided is conventional and works perfectly. The source code is easy to learn from. Saddam the coders uses innovative techniques to del...
Sikandar Crypter Source V7: Longest Running Crypter, With Advanced Features. 25 Feb 2012 | 12:01 pm
Sikandar Crypter project has been running for a very long time. It’s currently the most sold Crypter alongside with Saddam Crypter. Sikandar Crypter Source uses advanced .NET techniques to make this p...