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A Board Game for the New Rules of Work 31 Oct 2008 | 07:33 am
Venkatesh Rao, a blogger, came up with the idea for a board game, Brandhood, as a metaphor for a new way of thinking about work.
How To Overcome Isolation When You Work At Home 26 Oct 2008 | 12:21 am
If you think that working from home is all sunshine and roses, think again. Just like any job, there are advantages and disadvantages. One thing that many people fail to take into account when they be...
Make Money | Making Money | Make Money Online | Money Making Opportunities 1 May 2012 | 06:52 pm
When you think to work at home to make money online, the very 1st question will come into your mind what to do? How and where to start? If you don’t have the basic knowledge of making money online by ...
Work And Travel Throughout Canada – The Two Most Frequent Questions 19 May 2012 | 03:23 am
When you get started thinking of working holidays in Canada to work and travel all-around to make a few bucks on the move you’ll find normally a number of problems that will come to mind. You happen t...
Designing Your Home Office 20 Nov 2011 | 06:42 am
Once you have taken the plunge and decided to work from home you are going to need to consider your working environment. Too many people think that working from home means that they can effectively ha...
Constructive Thinking For Work At Home Mothers 5 Nov 2011 | 09:40 pm
Have you heard about the power of positive thinking, however maybe usually are not persuaded enough to personnaly apply it? I will clarify the ‘mechanics’ of positive thinking and the way it impacts o...
Beaded Bracelet Patterns: Finds in Venice 4 Nov 2011 | 09:56 pm
I was on holiday in Italy in October. I said I wouldn’t do or think about work…leaving Beaded Bracelet Patterns behind for 2 weeks…and just relax. Well, in Venice I just couldn’t resist. Seeing all th...
INSIGHT: Who is the star of your product? 24 Oct 2011 | 08:24 am
Link: Great perspective on how we should strive to build products. It’s not about people thinking our work is great, it...
Do It Better Yourself – Become a Courier 24 Sep 2011 | 12:16 am
A lot of people have different views on the current Royal Mail service in Britain. Many think it works fine and that whenever there is a problem, it’s normally around the busy periods of the year such...
Envy is Humane 8 Nov 2011 | 05:13 pm
Sometimes life is unfair, you might think. You work harder just to see your deservering efforts end up in failure. While you saw success often happen to people near you who work less than you did. So,...