Most Tipsy Tessie related news are at:

Kreativt möte.... 26 Aug 2013 | 12:54 am
....inför releasepartyt som är i antågande (se föregående inlägg). Planering med bästa tjejerna Petra (som gjort layouten till min bok) och Linda som har Sally Bazar Studio (där vi ska ha releaseparty...
Releaseparty!!! 18 Aug 2013 | 04:46 pm
Hej på er alla :) Efter en lång, underbar, varm, efterlängtad, solig och härlig sommar och semester är det nu dags att sätta igång på allvar igen. Det närmar sig med stormsteg den 6:e september, vilke...
More Tipsy Tessie related news:
tipsy 0.1.4 released 22 Dec 2009 | 01:35 pm
STOP PRESS: yes I'm a twit and released buggy code. Fix is in 0.1.5. Oh well, one project release in a year isn't too bad. I've pushed a new version of tipsy which officially unleashes some changes t...
tipsy 0.1.4 released 22 Dec 2009 | 01:35 pm
STOP PRESS: yes I'm a twit and released buggy code. Fix is in 0.1.5. Oh well, one project release in a year isn't too bad. I've pushed a new version of tipsy which officially unleashes some changes t...
“King of Grind” 26 Jun 2011 | 12:24 pm
After the release of Spectacular’s widely publicized viral dance video to “Tipsy in Dis Club”, M.T.V. crowned him the “King of Grind!”
Tipsy Me Thankful Me 14 Mar 2012 | 02:35 am
This is an overdue thank you post to a very astonishing and stylish young lady. She has been spoiling me for some time now by giving me the things that I desire but don’t have the budget to buy. She i...
Bukti Pengiriman 29 Jan 2011 | 03:57 pm
IBU ALICE (JAKARTA) -MAXINDO- 108423 TANTY (MEDAN) -JNE- 1886561840007 TJIE KHENG (JAKARTA) -JNE- 1886561830008 TESSY FEBRIANY (BANDUNG) -JNE- 1886560810001 LIA (SURABAYA) -TIKI- 020133650567 AND...
Bel fıtığı ameliyatında yeni yöntem TESSYS 21 Mar 2011 | 06:57 am
Yurt dışında 2002 yılından bu yana uygulanan TESSYS isimli yeni yöntem artık Türkiye’de de uygulanıyor. Yöntem, en büyük özelliği ameliyatın hasta uyanıkken yapılması ve bu sayede birkaç saat içinde ...
Oh Look! It’s Saturday! Or the post where she uses the word “awesome” approximately 47 times. 5 Jun 2011 | 03:44 pm
Tweet Because I’m slightly tipsy and have some catching up to do – bullets! Photos: I’ve been putting stuff up on my photo blog again lately. I’m having so much fun with my camera, and I’m really le...
viviu-vos 26 May 2011 | 07:30 am
Jodorowsky ens crea reaccions de tot tipus, tant a favor de les seves tessis com en contra. Ara bé, quina manera de veure la vida més bonica podem trobar que la de estar agraits per que estem vius en ...
sosiologi gender 11 Sep 2006 | 06:36 pm
sosiologi gender-nya Bu Partini asyik bgt loh.....ayo anak-anak 2005 rugi klau klian ga gabung....... dari kuliah ini qt bisa mengerti or paling gak qt bisa tahu ada apa dengan si tessy, dorce, dan yg...
Mummy Uninterrupted 9 Feb 2010 | 08:53 am
Quite often I will leave a coffee morning or meeting with a friend and feel like I have returned from a tipsy night out and I am experiencing that morning after feeling of half conversations. You know...