Most Tony Fernandes Back related news are at:

Committed, focused on the future at Loftus Road … 5 Apr 2013 | 12:36 pm
THEY say you make your own luck in professional sport. I can’t say I disagree with that to be honest, but sometimes things just don’t go your way for one reason or another. This season, at Queens Pa...
Number 63 24 Oct 2012 | 07:15 am
What a weekend. Malaysia got its first podium finish at the World Motorcycle Championships thanks to a wonderful performance by AirAsia-SIC-Ajo rider Zulfahmi Khairuddin. Fahmi may have narrowly lost...
More Tony Fernandes Back related news:
Supporting the already supported vs backing the underdog, and Tony Fernandes 4 May 2012 | 11:23 pm
If you can, read this article before you read this post. It’s a great article written by a friend whom I often see while clubbing, Marina Suwendy. Chasing The Dream - an interview with Tony Fernandes...
Šéf týmu F1 Lotus Fernandes volá po zrušení modrých vlajek 16 May 2010 | 09:46 am
Šéf týmu F1 Lotus Tony Fernandes volá po zrušení modrých vlajek, kterými komisaři závodů dávají pomalým pilotům najevo, aby před sebe pustili ty rychlejší, kteří jsou o kolo napřed. Zprávu přinesla v ...
CEO AirAsia Masuk Orang Terkreatif Dunia Fernandes memiliki misi yang sangat sederhana: Melayani yang belum terlayani. 10 Jun 2011 | 02:47 pm
sumber VIVAnews – Selasa, 7 Juni 2011, 10:28 WIB Hadi Suprapto Bos AirAsia Tony Fernandes (AP Photo/Mark Baker) VIVAnews – Majalah bisnis berbasis di New York, Fast Company, menobatkan Tony Fernandes ...
First Day at Sabah 13 Jan 2011 | 01:07 pm
opppps turutan gambar is upward instead of downward. Well, happy face for mama and 'blur-blur' for wafiy. hello...trip ni sudah cancel berkali2....sajer je bagi tony fernandes kaye that should be sel...
Xbasi gi kot nak cite psl gabungan Pakatan MAS dan Air Asia nie... Bukan pe derr... Kdg2 orang mudah terpengaruh dgn. citer2 buruk pembangkang. Yg sardis tue orang UMNO pn gi dgr. ckp. P'bangkang... K...
Mike Filsaime Joins Tony Robbin’s Platinum Partners 15 Mar 2012 | 07:09 am
Mike Filsaime and the legendary “Giant” Anthony (Tony) Robbins. Â Hey Guys, Recently I had a chance to meet Tony Robbins Back stage at his event. I am one of less than 100 members of his Platinum Pa...
Travel Daily Travel Channel - Tony Fernandes in talks to buy premier league 'Queens Park Rangers'... 6 Jul 2012 | 08:18 am
Travel Daily Travel Channel - Tony Fernandes in talks to buy premier league 'Queens Park Rangers'... TDTV World Edition - EXCLUSIVE - Weekly Travel News Tuesday August 2nd 2011 From: tdmediatv View...
Air Asia to buy 50 Airbus A320 jets 31 Jul 2012 | 06:01 pm
“In my mind, that is an aircraft order that we would need, but we haven’t made the right analysis yet,” Tony Fernandes tells Reuters. Air Asia is studying a potential $4 billion deal to buy another 50...
Believe the Unbelievable, Dream the Impossible and Never Take No for an more to do, perhaps? 24 Aug 2012 | 06:40 am An article in Singapore’s Business Times I thought I’d share with all of you. TONY Fernandes recently had hi...
Bangkok Podcast 75: Muay Thai Fighter 3 Sep 2012 | 03:18 am
On this show Greg and Tony welcome back past guest Paul Garrigan who joins us to talk about his new adventure as a muay thai fighter. While always harbouring the dream of stepping into the ring Paul w...