Most True Blue Dongle Olomouc related news are at:

Pepa 16 Mar 2012 | 11:00 am
Koupím popřípadě vyměním mince. Dále nabízím spolupráci hledačům detektorářům,pouze Brno a okolí. kontakt viz email
voplakalova 19 Nov 2011 | 01:00 pm
ztratil se pejsek ve žďárku u hodkovic,černá barva bílá náprsenka, bílá brada,6let slyší na jack.štěká ale nekouše je to dobrák, odměna vysoká
More True Blue Dongle Olomouc related news:
The PS3 Firmware 3.55 & Higher Jailbreak We Have All Been Waiting For 1 Dec 2011 | 01:46 am
Thats right it is finally here, the True Blue Dongle JB2 is currently available for purchase and is on its way to our logistics and should be ready for shipment in time for Christmas! What does this ...
استفسار في ال ps3 30 May 2012 | 11:38 pm
استفسار في ال ps3 السلام عليكم عندي ps3 مهكر الاصدار 3.55بس في العاب مثل need for speed run و لعبة mw3 وغيرها من الالعاب الجديده تحتاج الي كراك fix لكي تعمل علي 3.55 ولدلك ابغي اشتري true blue dongl...
True Blue на ps3 - новая надежда или jailbreak 2 9 Dec 2011 | 01:52 am
True blue dongle для ps3, так же известный как Jailbreak 2 появился совсем недавно, но уже успел доказать всему миру, что он действительно работает. С помощью True blue можно запустить уже более 40 и...
Anonymous Chinese Hacker Releases EBOOTS 25 Jun 2012 | 04:22 pm
Today news comes to me regarding an anonymous Chinese hacker who has released some EBOOTS for all to enjoy without the need of a True Blue dongle. Various websites have confirmed these working and the...
Finita l'era del True Blue? Un nuovo prodotto a Luglio! 28 Jun 2012 | 05:00 am
28/6/12 00:00 - Notizia shockante per i fan del True Blue: sembra infatti che la produzione di questo ormai famoso dongle USB sia cessata! A darne la notizia è il rivenditore principale del dongle (Li...
Got the Blues? So does Tru Blue 30 Jun 2012 | 02:48 am
Well If any follow the scene we all know what Tru Blue Dongle is, and for those that dont when 3.55 Firmware was hacked, True Blue was one of the first "Teams" to bring the capability to play Ps3 game...
True Blue - New Dongle and news of support for existing users! 25 Jul 2012 | 05:05 pm
Недавно, хакеры их команды True Blue снова решили напомнить о себе. Они рассказали, что новый донгл не содержит в себе ничего нового, кроме дополнительной защиты против подделок, а все новые функции д...
[Breaking News] DUPLEX DRM algorithm craccka l'True Blue: Addio True Blue? 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
The True Blue was presented as the savior of the warez scene of the PS3: a dongle can run games properly patched with new algorithms thus making possible DRM’ the start of CFW 3.55 even if the game wa...