Most Vacuum Pumper Blogs related news are at:

Cock Pumping Using a Bottle 15 Sep 2011 | 05:24 am
Fernando G sent in a bunch of photos of him using a simple bottle to pump his cock. The first time I looked at his photos I had no idea what the fuck I was checking out but then everything came into f...
Fat And Plump! 16 May 2011 | 04:36 pm
Here’s a set of cock pumping pictures submitted by Artsman. He was kind enough to give permission to post his pix on the blog. It’s a standing order over here that if any of you guys submit images, I’...
More Vacuum Pumper Blogs related news:
PanchuMom: My Wife's New Blog! 25 Nov 2008 | 09:27 am
If you've noticed a drop in activity from my part - say, over the last 6 and 1/2 months - that's largely due to Lucas, our little bundle of joy (and vacuum of blogging time). While my stingy scholar m...
Apa Akibatnya Kalo Males Nulis Di Blog Sendiri ? 19 Nov 2010 | 08:09 pm
Vacuum sementara, terlalu sibuk, nggak ada waktu ataupun apa-lah namanya…., hanya satu kesimpulan : MALES….!! Iya, males atau malas sering disembunyikan di balik kata-kata di awal tadi. Termasuk di da...
Gambar Paling Sengal by Jamban Comel 11 Mar 2011 | 09:49 pm
setelah sekian lama x update blog ari ni ku GAGAHI jua walau hujan BATU sekalipun okay kecian cik cokelathati udah bsawang-sawang meh cek nk vacuum blog ni noe. (*bunyi vacuum bkuasa kuda 10,000 ...
SACH IS ALREADY ON FACEBOOK EN 20 Sep 2011 | 04:29 am
SACH BLOG return to Home Page SACH IS ALREADY ON FACEBOOK “SACH Central Vacuum Systems” is the name of the new official SACH Facebook page. Through this page you can find out more about all the Co...
Wordless Wednesday ~Because I Figured it Was Time 23 Feb 2011 | 05:21 pm
Well, I figured I had better put up a blog post, just so you all know I am o.k. Someone get a big vacuum and suck me back out of Twitter, because that is where I have been… I have no balance, I apol...
Untung ada Paypal 27 Oct 2009 | 07:48 pm
Setelah sekian lama vacuum, akhirnya ada sedikit mut buat ngisi lagi blog aku..ngga terasa sudah hampir 1 tahun blog ini aku tinggalkan. Banyak suka duka dari blog ini, dari sekedar corat coret tanpa ...
Gone With The Wind 14 Aug 2006 | 06:41 pm
Dutch journalist Harald Doornbos, who promised us a pro Green Helmet piece, seems to have his blog totally vacuumed. Correction: individual posts are accessible, but not the main page. UPDATE: back ...
Tube Packer! 16 Mar 2011 | 05:36 am
Great cock pumping pictures submitted by a reader of this pumper’s blog. Props to this bro and his vacuum pump. What a job he’s done. If he keeps at it he’s going to have to upgrade that tube of his. ...
New Post After a Long Vacuum Blogging 1 May 2012 | 09:28 pm
Hi all , this is new post after a long vacuum blogging, because so I had plenty of vacuum from the world of blogging and just write a piece said to come back again and exist to share to everyone... [...
Swept Up in the Possibilities 16 Apr 2011 | 08:40 am
I was recently reading the Epicenter Blog from Wired (April 8th, 2011). There was a guest blog by Sir James Dyson, best known for inventing the Dual Cyclone Bagless Vacuum Cleaner. Although the po...