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Foto Hantu Berjilbab Purbalingga[Video] 1 Feb 2011 | 01:08 pm
The appearance of a ghost who wear white hoods excited residents in the District Bobotsari, Purbalingga, Central Java. Veiled ghosts recorded by the camera cell phone has become a spectacle citizens. ...
Foto Crop Circle UFO Sleman Jogja 24 Jan 2011 | 11:43 pm
Foto Jejak Crop Circle UFO Sleman Nur Augustine, one of the founders of the BETA-UFO Indonesia, said that crop circles are happening in Sleman, Yogyakarta, is not the first. "According to our report...
More Video Hantu Penampakan related news:
Foto Genderuo|Vidio Hantu Penampakan Gendruo Primbon Ramalan 4 Dec 2009 | 05:05 pm
Gambar foto Penampakan hantu genderuo Foto hantu Genderuo Hantu gendruo is the apparition sourche of bodies who are accomplishing the ritual to acquisition the backbone abstract so that bodies become...
Video Seram Penampakan Hantu Berkuda Di Mesir Pasca Kerusuhan 20 Feb 2011 | 03:26 am
Foto Penampakan Hantu Berkuda Di Mesir Video Seram Penampakan Hantu Berkuda Di Mesir Pasca Kerusuhan. Ditengah rusuhnya situasi di Mesir, dimana rakyat Mesir menuntut Presiden Hosni Mubarak turun dar...
(Video) Hantu di 7 Eleven Paka, Terengganu? 25 Nov 2011 | 11:37 pm
Hantu ke orang ni?? Sekali tengok macam hantu, sekali tengok macam orang.. Korang tengok je la sendiri. Seram jugak tengok video ni. Menurut maklumat pada video ni, video ni ditangkap di 7 eleven, Pa...
Video Hantu nyata di cctv kantor 30 Aug 2009 | 07:32 pm
Look the video and look the ghost face, scary demon grandma.
Video Hantu di rumah mayat 30 Aug 2009 | 07:25 pm
look at this video, this picture was taken when they will perform their show.. but as you see above.. I think that black ghost face isn't real but... I don't know, may be this picture is true... its u...
Video Nyata Penampakan Hantu 13 Oct 2008 | 05:46 am
Becareful watching this ghost video, this video is really scary, if you don't want to screame, ask your partner to accompany you watching this video. It started off simply enough with a ghostly figure...
Video Hantu Kuntilanak dan Pocong 13 Apr 2012 | 02:31 am
Video penampakan hantu ini di dapat dariseseorang yang tidak sengaja mendapatkan gambar tersebut pada saat meliahat sebuah acara di Roxy Mas Jakarta tepatnya di Gang Subur bahkan penampakan kuntilanak...
Video Hantu Baju Merah Sukabumi 18 Jan 2011 | 06:00 pm
Video Ghost sightings of red-shirt Sukabumi district Youtube sukabumi makes uproar sukabumi citizens, where the video is the ghost kid in the red dress that shows itself in a rocking chair. Where is t...
Hantu Usil Tertangkap Kamera CCTV Di Texas 8 Jul 2012 | 11:16 pm
Percaya atau tidak, ada video hantu usil yang tertangkap kamera CCTV di sebuah mal di Sherman, Texas. Kisahnya bermula di hari Minggu pagi, ketika dua pekerja di Mal Midway saat baru me...
Cara Melihat Setan Hantu Penampakan Dengan Lewat Cermin atau Kaca 21 Jun 2013 | 09:22 am
Cara Melihat Setan Hantu Penampakan Lewat Cermin atau Kaca dengan Mudah Cara Melihat Setan Hantu Penampakan Dengan Lewat Cermin atau Kaca Cara-Cara Melihat Setan Hantu Penampakan Dengan Lewat Cermin a...