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EE UU considera que es hora de acabar con la guerra contra las drogas 24 May 2013 | 10:59 am
Parece que se han dado cuenta que la guerra contra las drogas no funciona desde sus inicios. La noticia en El País. El responsable de la política antidroga de Obama aboga por la despenalización, la pr...
Entradas gratuitas para ver a Alpha Blondy 13 May 2013 | 06:01 pm
Desde Growlandia nos piden colaboración en la difusión de este evento para el día 24 de mayo. Participa y consigue una entrada en el sorteo. La productoria de Rap y Reggae en español Radiation ha teni...
More Videoteca Cannabi related news:
Use of Medicinal Cannabis as A Cancer Treatment 17 Feb 2012 | 11:21 pm
Simply stated, cancer is the unbounded spreading and growth of individual cells and/or entire cellular structures throughout a living organism’s body. All areas of the body are able to be adversely af...
Cannabis Clones Drought, Supercrop, Training Video 26 Sep 2011 | 05:56 pm
{youtube}yPZ0iCyllRg{/youtube} These techniques are easy to apply and will certainly give heavier yields when applied early in the vegetative stage.
Cómo dejar la marihuana 29 Mar 2011 | 10:00 pm
La marihuana es una droga que se obtiene a partir de una planta denominada cannabis sativa. Dicha planta tiene los efectos tóxicos de cualquier droga debido a que contiene una sustancia química llamad...
Cannabis and tobacco smoke are not equally carcinogenic 7 Jul 2010 | 08:07 pm
‘More people are using the cannabis plant as modern basic and clinical science reaffirms and extends its medicinal uses. Concomitantly, concern and opposition to smoked medicine has occurred, in part ...
Synthetic drugs on the rise according to UN drug report 28 Jun 2011 | 04:39 am
synthetic-drugs.jpg Synthetic drugs shown above While global markets for cocaine, heroin and cannabis declined or remained stable, the production and abuse of prescription opioid drugs and new synth...
Hideki Taniuchi arrêté pour possession…de Cannabis ! 29 May 2012 | 08:11 am
C'est via le site Sankai Shimbun que l'on apprend la nouvelle. Le compositeur Hideki Taniuchi, très connu pour son travail sur Death Note et Kaiji, a récemment été arrêté par la police de la préfectur...
Best Of Hypnosis Today 23 Mar 2012 | 01:34 pm
of your document --> Best Of Hypnosis Today 10-Steps How to be more attractive to women Addiction Help Addicted to Danger? Coming off Alcohol Overcome Caffeine Addiction Cannabis Dependence S...
Lynn Zimmer: Author, researcher 25 Jun 2011 | 08:36 pm
Co-author of Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts Obituary: Born 1947; Died June 30, 2006 Dr. Lynn Zimmer, cannabis researcher and long-time associate of Dr. John Morgan, with whom she wrote the landmark ...
Bob Wilson: Hayward Hempery 2 Jun 2009 | 07:58 pm
Supported both hemp and medical marijuana Obituary: Born 1950; Died May 23, 2009 Bob Wilson, California activist and founder of Hayward’s first hemp store – and later its medical cannabis club – the H...
Mae Nutt: “Grandma Marijuana” 30 Jan 2008 | 06:51 pm
Co-Founder of Patients Out of Time, Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics Obituary: Born June 28, 1921; Died Jan. 1, 2008 Grandma Marijuana in a scene from the film, Waiting to Inhale, http://www.waiting...