Most Voip Termination Forum related news are at:

World class voip termination solution - IXC SOFTSWITCH!!! Check what's new in last reliz 5.4.1!!!! 27 Aug 2013 | 06:16 pm
Advanced years proven solution for Wholesale and Retail VoIP termination. First version of the softswitch was implemented from 2005 and got lot of positive reference from telecommunication companies a...
live traffic for Zimbabwe ,gambia ,nepal spice and ethipia 27 Aug 2013 | 04:11 pm
• 80k for Nepal spice noncli ,600k live traffic for gambia noncli ,200k llive traffic for usacc offnet!,100k for Somalia hormud and ethipia aa mobile , 20k for Zimbabwe econet ,and live traffic for ot...
More Voip Termination Forum related news:
Yealink saving power consumption 2 Apr 2011 | 01:08 am
Mar. 26th, 2011—-Yealink, the professional manufacturer of VoIP terminal equipment, called for the action of all the staff to switch off their lights for an hour on Sunday to support earth hour activi...
Resell IP PBX, Termination, Phonecards, Callback and more 26 Dec 2010 | 09:07 am
Resell VOIP Termination The VoIP market is booming! In the next few years a major portion of voice calling will switch to VoIP traffic. If you want to become part of the VoIP success, join our team...
(Aktuelles) Neuer Termin: Forum Akademie 22 13 Jun 2013 | 11:46 am
Simulation auf schnellen Rechnern entwickelt sich zu einem Instrument der Forschung, das zunehmend auch den Alltag der Menschen bestimmt. Was kann Simulation eigentlich, wohin führt sie uns und welch...
World class voip termination solution - IXC SOFTSWITCH!!! Check what's new in last reliz 5.4.1!!!! 27 Aug 2013 | 06:16 pm
Advanced years proven solution for Wholesale and Retail VoIP termination. First version of the softswitch was implemented from 2005 and got lot of positive reference from telecommunication companies a...
World class voip termination solution - IXC SOFTSWITCH!!! Check what's new in last reliz 5.4.1!!!! 27 Aug 2013 | 06:16 pm
Advanced years proven solution for Wholesale and Retail VoIP termination. First version of the softswitch was implemented from 2005 and got lot of positive reference from telecommunication companies a...
World class voip termination solution - IXC SOFTSWITCH!!! Check what's new in last reliz 5.4.1!!!! 27 Aug 2013 | 06:16 pm
Advanced years proven solution for Wholesale and Retail VoIP termination. First version of the softswitch was implemented from 2005 and got lot of positive reference from telecommunication companies a...
Termination of the prepaid international phone cards service 1 Jun 2011 | 10:44 pm
As announced earlier, June 1st, 2011 is the termination date for the "Heradzayn" prepaid VoIP service. The access number for the service (010 295309) is disconnected and is no longer in service. ARMIN...
Forum Erleben - Abenteuer- und Naturreisen für Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen 19 Mar 2012 | 08:40 pm
Vor ein paar Wochen lernten wir Hans-Peter Greunz und Rupert Moser, die Menschen hinter dem Forum Erleben kennen. Wir hatten mit David, meinem Stiefsohn, einen Termin bei der Jugendwohngruppe in Vöck...
Theo Lab Legionsinterne Gruppe!!! 21 Mar 2010 | 09:48 am
Terminabsprache bitte mal in den Kalender schauen und anschliessend im Forum bitte mal anmelden dazu. Termin Sonntag oder Montag 20Uhr. Wenn früher dann bitte platz für mich freihalten, komme auch na...
Inscription modifier 8 Jan 2009 | 08:15 am
Bonjour, pour être inscrit sur ce forum vous devez aller dans "s'enregistrer" puis remplir les champs, certains sont obligatoire (Pseudo, mot de passe et adresse courriel). une fois terminer,si votr...