Most Volk Zero Wear related news are at:

追加製作分入荷 ! 余剰在庫少数販売中 ! 27 Aug 2013 | 04:31 pm
★ VOLK SOA-PACK / A-TACS FG 初回ロット追加製作分が完成 ! 少数余剰入庫、販売中 ! 同品は本日の入荷以降は長期製作が御座いませんので、今回在庫中に御考慮を頂ければ幸いで御座います。 ※ お問い合わせのお客様にはメール連絡済み、ストックは確保しておりますので御安心願います m(__)m SOA-PACK は続けてその他の問い合わせカラー、RANGER GREEN、F...
装着例使用チェストリグ携行装備詳細 27 Aug 2013 | 01:04 pm
★ 現在は各色共に販売ストックは欠品しておりますが、以前の屋外ロケ時に着用していたチェストリグを、携行アイテムそのままに詳細画像をアップ致します。 画像チェストリグ ⇒ VOLK CONSOLIDATION CHESTRIG / A-TACS FG ※同品は現在売り切れ中、画像のチェストリグはスタッフ私物です。 ★ M4 ダブルマグポーチには89式マガジンを携行、ハンドガンマグポーチには画像向か...
More Volk Zero Wear related news:
"I'll tell you how I am... COLD!!" 30 Sep 2009 | 04:47 pm
In the old days, I never got cold til Christmas. Below zero weather and I'm wearing a t-shirt and no long johns. I couldn't understand why Jenny needed the thermostat any higher than 65 degrees and wo...
tweed suit 14 Jan 2013 | 07:16 am
When I first got my new job, I had pretty much ZERO professional wear in my closet. I have worked in nothing but casual/business casual environments since college, so there was no need for me have mu...
FS: 18x9.5 +22 Volk TE-37 5x100 27 Aug 2013 | 03:54 pm
18x9.5 +22 5x100 TE-37 - BLACK That's right, 5x100 TE-37's Black wheels. Comes with dirreza star spec Z1 tires 255/35/18 (would recommend changing after this season due to camber wear) Has the blu...
Ground Zero 25 Apr 2013 | 09:42 pm
I firmly believe that a serious wardrobe purge is one of the best things that can happen to your personal style. Sure, you'll curse your ass off when you have somewhere to go and nothing to wear (and ...
Billabong Writes Down Its Brand to Zero 27 Aug 2013 | 08:57 am
The struggling Australian surf wear company announced the accounting charge on Tuesday, part of a record $772 million net loss it reported for the financial year.
.My quest to keep him warm!. 15 Aug 2013 | 02:00 am
In my quest to keep the boy who only wears shorts and a tshirt warm, another Hero Vest was in order. It has been sitting in his cupboard for 2 months and he has worn it a total of zero times. Which I ...
Jungle Jeans 18 Aug 2013 | 12:15 pm
wearing: jeans - She Inside, Bag - vintage, boots - Betts, sweater - She Inside and shades - Zero UV. I fell in love with these kooky jeans because of the gorgeous blue colour in the print! I wore th...
MINERAL 13 Aug 2013 | 01:02 pm
wearing: Dress - MAY the Label, coat - Minty Meets Munt, Boots - Sportsgirl (snagged these on sale! Yay), Bag - Mimco and shades - Zero UV. I've finally found a replacement for my ruined vintage plat...
School Stripes 31 Jul 2013 | 01:03 pm
wearing: Striped top - Hello Molly, pants - Missguided, shoes - Senso via ASOS, hat - vintage, necklace - Samantha Wills & shades - Zero UV. Today is my last official day of being on holidays as tomo...
Tuscan Sun Shorts 25 Jul 2013 | 02:21 pm
wearing: Sweater - Sportsgirl, Shorts - Beginning Boutique, bag - vintage, boots - Betts, shades - Zero UV, ear cuff - Beginning Boutique & nails - OPI. I was loving the sunshine today so I decided o...