Most Whooping Cough Outbreak Camas related news are at:

Reminder: All outdoor burning banned statewide through at least Oct. 15, 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
The Clark County Fire Marshal, in accord with Gov. Chris Gregoire’s emergency proclamation Sunday, is reminding county residents that all outdoor burning is banned through at least Monday, possibly lo...
Vancouver dentist to give free dental care Saturday 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
VANCOUVER, Wash. -- Gillespie Dentistry will host a free dental care event through Dentistry From The Heart on Oct. 13 and offer the residents of Clark County free dental care services.Event registrat...
More Whooping Cough Outbreak Camas related news:
Tenth baby dies as the whooping cough outbreak continues 1 Nov 2012 | 10:57 pm
Figures released by The Health Protection Agency (HPA) have confirmed that a tenth baby has tragically died from whooping cough in 2012, in what is the worst outbreak of the infectious disease for dec...
Whooping Cough Vaccine Less Effective Over Time: Study 28 Nov 2012 | 02:11 am
TUESDAY, Nov. 27 -- Vaccination does safeguard children against whooping cough, but its protective effect seems to lessen over time, new research finds. The 2010 outbreak of whooping cough (pertussis)...