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School Peace Medal 1919 20 Mar 2013 | 10:51 am
Of the commemorative medals issued to mark the end of the First World War, the most common was the so-called ‘Peace’ or ‘Victory’ medal issued to every child in Australia aged 0-14 years (and aged up ...
Digger Times Vol 1 Issue 2 20 Mar 2013 | 10:10 am
EUMUNDI 30.11.1918 Wounded. Private J. Robinson who was sometime ago reported wounded whilst with the A.I.F in France, has been invalided home and arrived here early this week. He received a cordial ...
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Pesanan Abu Hurairah Yang Ketiga 1 May 2012 | 07:08 am
Ini pesanan Abu Hurairah sblm menutup matanya. 2 daripada pesanannya sudah menjadi kenyataan dan menjadi sejarah iaitu WW1 dan WW2. …Continue reading →
Post-Edwardian Films - Gallery 3 of 3 28 Sep 2011 | 09:51 am
This is the final instalment of period dramas sorted by era which covers all the great films that take place during the war years (WW1 and WW2) and beyond including those that take us up to the Sixtie...
Post-Edwardian Films - Gallery 2 of 3 26 Sep 2011 | 09:50 am
This is the final instalment of period dramas sorted by era which covers all the great films that take place during the war years (WW1 and WW2) and beyond including those that take us up to the Sixtie...
Pre-Loved Baby Clothing Series II 6 May 2009 | 05:45 am
CHILDCLOTH42 Girl's Outfit (2 pieces in a pack) - 1 pink top from Next for newborn up to 6kg (written on it is "Princess in Training") - 1 soft denim 3/4 dungaree for newborn - unbranded Price - R...
Düşman Gökyüzünde oyunu 5 Mar 2010 | 03:33 pm
Düşman Gökyüzünde oyununda 1. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Fransız hava kuvvetlerinden pilot Billy Coppins'siniz ve göreviniz Falkenhayn saldırı uçaklarından dost ve müttefiklerinizi korumak... WW1 tipi......
Romania National Day 1 Dec 2010 | 10:46 pm
Today is the Romanian National Day ! On December 1 ,1918, at the end of WW1 (World War 1) Bessarabia , Bukovina and Transylvania proclaimed unions with the Kingdom of Romania . This was the beginning ...
Urban Terrain 28 Dec 2009 | 01:53 pm
Some works in progress for generic Urban Terrain... better suited to Stalingrad, Berlin 45, WW1 Somme Villers Bretonneoux and any Sci-Fi where it represents an urban scape that has been bitterly fough...
Flattering Maternity Swimwear For Expectant Mums 18 Jan 2011 | 10:33 pm
Pregnant women have such a wide variety of clothing to choose from at the moment. Gone are the days of boring dungarees, and shapeless dresses. There are now tons of fashion forward designs for pregna...
Hetalia:World Series 9 Jul 2010 | 04:47 pm
Synopsis : Based on a popular web-released manga series by Hidekazu Himaruya, this has been described as a “cynical gag” story set in Europe in the years between WW1 and WW2 (1915-1939), using exagger...
model with sketchup and render with vray ww1 airplane 7 May 2012 | 12:18 pm
Hello i just finish the model of a WW1 airplane hope you would like it …… » Inline Ad Purchase: Intext Link Powered by Wp-Directory-List Version: 1.7.0Related posts: Model... A blog that connects yo...