Most Xda Themes Android related news are at:

Android Yamaha Virago Dark Theme 17 Apr 2013 | 06:54 pm
Name: Android Yamaha Virago Dark Theme Author:Android Theme Website: Yamaha Virago is an Dark Android Theme. To u...
Deus Ex Android Dark Theme 17 Feb 2013 | 11:44 am
Name : Deus Ex Android Dark Theme Author : Ramazor Website : Deus Ex Android is a dark android theme. It’s for all theme chooser...
More Xda Themes Android related news: 28 May 2012 | 03:03 am Android Application Android Games Android Themes Android
XDA’s Android Hacker’s Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Rooting, ROMs and Theming 21 Apr 2012 | 08:00 am
The XDA’s Android Hacker’s Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Rooting, ROMs and Theming is a must have for any Android owner. While some choose simplicity with Apple the common theme is that the Android...
Iceman X men android app. 11 Sep 2010 | 01:17 am
This app from Android zoom looks like the starters of a good xmen themed android app. It is listed as a mobile pet. How this will work out in time we wait and see. Feedback on the quality and usabil...
Theme Android Icecream Sandwich For Windows 7 14 Apr 2012 | 10:00 am
Karena tema untuk windows belum pernah ayas sharekan di sini jadi sekarang ayas akan bagikan Theme Android Icecream Sandwich For Windows 7. Tema ini akan merubah semuanya tampilan windows 7 anda, mula...
[Android 教學課程] Android 4.0 的 Holo 佈景主題 ( Theme ) 5 Apr 2012 | 04:00 pm
Android 4.0 | Holo 我們的《Android 手機應用程式開發教學課程免費講義》網路讀者俱樂部會員(請點選此連結),歡迎您的加入,謝謝! 我們編寫的 Android SDK 教學課程講義目前網路連載發表有:Android手機程式開發教學講義懶人包、Android 教學講義第一講、Android 教學講義第二講、Android 教學講義第三講、Android 教學講義第四講、An... 2 Jun 2012 | 11:15 pm Android Application Android Games Android Themes Android
Jellybean 4.1.1 Firmware for Amazon Kindle Fire 13 Jul 2012 | 10:54 pm
Jellybean can be installed on Amazon Kindle fire which doesn’t runs on Android but with the help of XDA members, Android version 4.1.1 can be install on it. In the following article we will be checkin...
Iceman X men android app. 10 Sep 2010 | 09:17 pm
This app from Android zoom looks like the starters of a good xmen themed android app. It is listed as a mobile pet. How this will work out in time we wait and see. Feedback on the quality and usabilit...
Themes Android For Windows 7 21 Oct 2012 | 03:23 pm
Themes Android For Windows 7 | Yepi Share - Kali ini saya akan share Tema Android untuk Windows 7 anda. Jangan anda kira sulit untuk menerapkan tema ini. Tema ini mudah sekali dalam cara pemakaiannya....
[Android 教學課程] Android 4.0 的 Holo 佈景主題 ( Theme ) 5 Apr 2012 | 09:00 am
Android 4.0 | Holo 我們的《Android 手機應用程式開發教學課程免費講義》網路讀者俱樂部會員(請點選此連結),歡迎您的加入,謝謝! 我們編寫的 Android SDK 教學課程講義目前網路連載發表有:Android手機程式開發教學講義懶人包、Android 教學講義第一講、Android 教學講義第二講、Android 教學講義第三講、Android 教學講義第四講、An...