Most Yaoi Hard Blog related news are at:

Super Galeria: Autor desconhecido 21 May 2012 | 10:12 am
Geralmente eu costumo não revelar os nomes dos autores para evitar problemas com o blogger, mas desta vez é diferente.Eu achei essas imagens, BARAVILHOSAS, navegando pela net mas não consegui achar o ...
Os caçadores de Monstros Parte 02 + Bonus 14 May 2012 | 04:59 am
Continuação de Os caçadores de Monstros Parte 01 Os caçadores de Monstros é uma coleção de CG e sem querer acabei achando a versão completa e sem aquela madilta censura japonesa que desfoca as melhor...
More Yaoi Hard Blog related news:
The Amazing Story of Luke Cage 3 Mar 2010 | 02:43 pm
You know what's hard? Blogging every day when you're not getting paid in any way for doing it. Hard. Which may explain why I've been unable to blog every day successfully. Anyway... Ok, this isn't ...
2010 in review... 7 Jan 2011 | 04:37 pm
This year flew by... much too quickly ...and I hardly blogged about it... and I probably won't blog much in 2011... but I'll do my best! Here's our 2010 year in review! our car hit 100000 miles ti...
And then you realize.... 18 Jan 2012 | 07:25 am
That you have PMS. Because after posting a full-on-woe-is-me-my-life-is-so-hard blog get your period. That your life is SO.EASY. Because you spend time with a friend whose child is strugg...
The reasons i hardly blogging these days.......... 23 Oct 2010 | 06:36 am
I hardly blog these days 27 Apr 2006 | 06:17 am
But I can implement a new design :-) Like it? It's kinda miminalistic, but I like it much better than the previous one. As usual, it is W3C-compliant, valid XHTML, does not make use of tables, and rel...
It’s getting to be that time again (even if we hate to see the summer end) 17 Aug 2012 | 04:06 am
This is going to be a hard blog post to write because of my love for the warm months and summertime fun (it’s a rough day for me when I have to put the golf clubs and fishing poles away). However what...
Electing to Start Blogging Again 7 Nov 2012 | 01:59 am
I didn’t give up blogging, I just didn’t post for almost four months. I last posted just after the big summer storm, when we lost power, and got it back on the 4th of July. So I hardly blogged at all ...
Rhona and Darren's Lovely Library Inspired Wedding 22 Dec 2012 | 10:32 pm
Hello lovelies, I've been an extremely bad blogger this year, and hardly blogged any of the amazingly lovely weddings I've worked on over the last 12 months. I've been using my time off to contemplat...
Video-Tipp: Social Media und Mundpropaganda 7 Feb 2013 | 01:57 pm
Martin Oetting spricht in diesem Video über Mundpropaganda und Social Media. Als großer Fan von Martin und seinen Themen hier und heute dieser Linktipp. Prädikat: Hard Blogging Scientist! :-) Foto-Cre...
Anyone Here? 19 Jul 2013 | 03:44 pm
Damn, this blog's been too long in hibernation eh? I hardly blog but just in case anyone comes here, you can read my barely-made-public thoughts on Bak Bak Queen ( B...