Most Zildjian Dating Stamp related news are at:

Vintage Zildjians For Sale 30 Jan 2011 | 05:10 am
This list is a Live eBay feed. The top entry is the next auction to end. If you are interested in any of these these, you may only have minutes to secure it but it is also a great opportuinity to plac...
Buying and Selling Vintage Zildjian Cymbals 28 Jan 2011 | 12:58 am
A Vintage Zildjian Cymbal is for sale but all you have to go on is an ebay ad or maybe you want to auction one of your own cymbals and you have a bunch of questions. Is this something like your list ...
More Zildjian Dating Stamp related news:
No Photo Date Stamp: No Visa 15 Jul 2011 | 06:05 am
Photographic prints, showing the date when a photo was taken (Datestamping, normally on the bottom right corner), are increasingly hard to find today. While many generations of film cameras had this c...
Keep track of all of your fitness goals and progress in... 19 Apr 2011 | 07:41 am
Keep track of all of your fitness goals and progress in Evernote. Each note automatically gets a date stamp, so you can easily go back and view what you were doing on a particular day.
Create Beautiful Post Date Stamps – CSS Sprites 14 Sep 2011 | 10:37 am
Curious about how to add some style to your blog’s post date? Here are some steps to design a beautiful date stamp. The instructions are specific to WordPress but you should be able to use the same ba...
Add a date stamp with an icon on your post 21 May 2009 | 04:00 am
Check out the little icon with the date of the post in the top right corner. Here’s how I made it… The first thing to do is gather the php code that will generate the time of the post… the_time(‘M’)...
Where I’m At 21 May 2012 | 09:16 am
As is quite obvious from the date stamps on my blog entries, I haven’t been writing much here lately. Life – lovely, gorgeous, busy life – has been getting all up in the way. But it doesn’t mean that ...
Variant: Dated Posts 17 Jun 2008 | 09:24 pm
Variant: Dated Posts: Jon Steinberg asked if it would be possible to date stamp the posts. Sure it is. If you too desire this feature, grab the variant theme file linked above.
Dachshund Adopts a Little Pig 22 Nov 2010 | 05:02 am
I wonder whatever became of this pig? This is a little old, as you can see my the date stamps on the pics, but it was just sent to me recently and if you haven’t seen it before, you must now!. Yes, th...
Nikon Coolpix P90 Digital Camera 20 Jul 2012 | 05:53 am
There are normally six things to look at before Selecting a CCTV security systems; 1. Camera Selection 2. Recording Options 3. Detection 4. Time and Date Stamping 5. Cable and Connectors 6. Came...
SnapTouch 3 released 22 Oct 2012 | 03:07 pm
October 2012. Every day amateur photographers have to import their new photos, crop the images and date stamp them. We’ve got a solution for all those tasks. Meet SnapTouch 3, the latest version of ou...
Still alive and kicking 24 Oct 2012 | 07:13 am
Hi, Someone just told me that this site has not been updated for a year. Well, if everything works well, why worry about updating everything to keep up with the latest “time-date” stamp? So, here we g...