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You will be judged (or you will be ignored) – Seth Godin 21 May 2012 | 10:03 pm

You will be judged (or you will be ignored) Those are pretty much the only two choices. Being judged is uncomfortable. Snap judgments, prejudices, misinformation… all of these, combined with not enoug...

The quickest way to get things done and make change – by Seth Godin 18 May 2012 | 05:19 pm

Not the easiest, but the quickest: Don’t demand authority. Eagerly take responsibility. Relentlessly give credit.

Naming things – by Seth Godin 16 May 2012 | 04:04 am

“Over there, by the fire, is that a stick or a snake?” It turns out that humans have been naming things for a long time. If we know that this is a cheetah, or a grapefruit, we can make intelligent de...

Solving the problem isn’t the problem – by Seth Godin 16 May 2012 | 04:04 am

The problem is finding a vector that pays for itself as you scale. We see a problem and we think we’ve “solved” it, but if there isn’t a scalable go-to-market business approach behind the solution, i...

Don’t expect applause – by Seth Godin 16 May 2012 | 04:02 am

Accept applause, sure, please do. But when you expect applause, when you do your work in order (and because of) applause, you have sold yourself short. That’s because your work is depending on someth...

Why ask why? by Seth Godin 16 May 2012 | 03:51 am

“Why?” is the most important question, not asked nearly enough. Hint: “Because I said so,” is not a valid answer. Why does it work this way? Why is that our goal? Why did you say no? Why are we t...

Hard work on the right things – by Seth Godin 16 May 2012 | 03:49 am

I don’t think winners beat the competition because they work harder. And it’s not even clear that they win because they have more creativity. The secret, I think, is in understanding what matters. It...

Singapore Airlines reports a surprise loss 8 May 2012 | 05:22 pm

Singapore Airlines reported its first quarterly loss in more than two years this week on the back of higher fuel costs, weak demand from Europe, and increased competition from rapidly expanding Middle...

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