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apakah tajuk ini aku pun taktau 19 Dec 2012 | 04:16 pm

a)just to share my bandung trip this year. kalau nak ke bandung dan dapat supir yang baik, boleh tolong angkat barang shopping, berhemah lagi menghiburkan, sila kontek pak budi. +62816613442 kalau di...

ngngnghhh 18 Dec 2012 | 03:27 pm

I have 30 minutes before going back so i'm going to spend it on blogging. a) ok i don't know where to start b) arghh nak terkencing c) baik tak payah update macam ni mihmihmih. catch u later, alli...

Random post #800 2 Nov 2012 | 01:57 pm

Ok sambung balik menulis in this dying blog of mine. ada twitter, instagram, facebook, blog pun dah malas nak layan. hehe 1. Just to recap this year. In February we went to Bandung & Jakarta with my ...

Tiga Puluh 2 Nov 2012 | 11:40 am

Happy birthday to me and yayang! Today is Friday, and we celebrated our big 3-O birthday yesterday and felt so...old. No actually, we feel so blessed for wonderful friends and families who have been...

It's like living with a chihuahua 18 Jun 2012 | 11:41 pm

a) Hello..hello Assalammualaikum. 2 bulan tak hapdet, macam dah tak relevan je rasanya hehe. b) Just want to make birthday shoutout untuk org2 cantik yang lahir di bulan June : Azzamoro, Cik Leha Kha...

Just had a holiday but still feel burn out. How? 17 Apr 2012 | 10:55 pm

Why do I come to work everyday? a) To get money b) So I don't get boring in the house alone everyday c) Free Lunch at office d) To feel like I'm very important Why should I not come to work everday?...

I will miss my Pokkaci 15 Apr 2012 | 03:55 pm

Today is the last day of holiday and I don't want it to end.Especially when I have to fly alone and rdz has to continue his work here. Awesome inpromptu holiday and it's really great to be pampered by...

Rasukan Patin 11 Apr 2012 | 09:41 pm

a) apa khabar orang kampung!!! haha sorilah kepada yang kerinduan nak baca blog yang dah tinggal hujung2 ni. rasa macam nak private terus pun ada tapi sayang le pulok. dah nak masuk 30-an ni dah makin...

hidup ini kadang-kadang mengarut mcm filem melayu 25 Mar 2012 | 07:55 pm

1. Hew hew hew . katanya nak rajin update blog tapi tak boleh percaya uols. kerja bertimpa-timpa. 2. I'm doing OK. kadang2 ok kadang tak ok. 3. rdz asyik outstation aku kadang2 sedih mengenang nasib...

Beg Kacang 24 Feb 2012 | 10:36 pm

beli beg kacang pun nak marah! :( itulah reaksi husband ku pagi tadi apabila aku memberitahu aku telah membeli beg kacang berharga RM230. dia tanya: nak buat apa? pakai ke? nak letak mana? ber.....

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