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13 Years Ago 27 Aug 2013 | 04:30 pm

13 years ago I made one of the most sound decisions I've ever made. I said, "I Do" to the person I truly believe completes me. I won't pretend it's been 13 years of rainbows and glitter. But it's bee...

RRCA Running Coach Weekend 26 Aug 2013 | 07:50 pm

I guess today I can't complain too much about it being Monday. I took the day off ;-) I knew I was going to be completely exhausted after a long weekend of training. Somehow, sitting for 8+ hours and...

Fun For Friday - Virtual Races, Running, Finding Money 23 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm

Happy Friday! While I'm super excited that it's Friday, it doesn't really feel that way for me. My weekend will be spent indoors attending the Road Runners of America (RRCA) Running Coach Classes both...

Workout Wednesday - Biceps, Triceps Superset and Bonus Burn 21 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm

I haven't talked much about my weight workouts lately. Since I have been running and biking more, I've been keeping my weight workouts split up and on the shorter side. This allows me to fit them in d...

Life Happens. 7 Tips for Fitting in Your Workouts 21 Aug 2013 | 01:00 am

Happy Tuesday! One day closer to the weekend right ;-) This morning I managed to knock out a really good 10-mile run. I am loving getting the long runs done during the week. Jason started off with me...

Fun For Friday - Fitness Evolution 16 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm

I've been lucky enough to have been fairly active the majority of my life. And over the years, my activities have definitely changed. Sometimes it's out of necessity, sometimes out of inspiration. I t...

Workout Wednesday - Body Blaster Tabata 15 Aug 2013 | 02:30 am

Happy Hump Day! I wanted to thank everyone for their comments on yesterday's post: Be Kinder to Your Body. Calories are Not the Enemy. It sounds like it resonated with many of you. Today I wanted to...

Be Kinder to Your Body. Calories Aren't the Enemy 13 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm

I wish I had some fantastic new recipe to share on Tasty Tuesday. But, I don't. However, I thought we might talk a bit about calories. That's still food related right? It's important to remember that...

Too Much Motivation? 12 Aug 2013 | 11:00 pm

You often see Motivation Monday posts. I wanted to talk about motivation today, but maybe not quite what most people would expect. I was thinking about motivation a lot over the weekend. Where it co....

Benefits of Working Out with Spouse or Friend 8 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm

I posted this picture on Instagram after our 21-mile ride last night. And it sort of got me to thinking about how lucky I am that my spouse does exercise and we can work out together. Poor Jason had ...

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