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नरेंद्र मोदी नहीं तो बी जे पी नहीं 12 Apr 2013 | 02:46 pm

नरेंद्र मोदी  नहीं तो बी जे पी नहीं

Latest Google Webmaster Tools verification strategies 18 Feb 2013 | 02:29 pm

Latest Google Webmaster Tools verification strategies Verifying ownership of your website is the first step towards using Google Webmaster Tools. To help you keep verification simple & reduce its mai...

Google Panda Refresh, Google SEO Updates: Wschools 18 Feb 2013 | 02:19 pm

Google Panda Refresh, Google SEO Updates Despite it being just five days from extremely strong signs of a Google update, which Google denied, Google announced yesterday on Twitter that they have push...

Family Lawyer in India, A Marriage Certificate 20 Oct 2012 | 02:59 pm

A Marriage Certificate is legal document that is used to prove the solemnization of marriage between the parties. In the landmark judgment of Seema vs. Ashwani Kumar, the Supreme Court has held that  ...

सर्च इंजन ऑप्टिमाइजेशन क्या हे. 7 Aug 2012 | 11:15 am

सर्च इंजनों का काम है वेबसाइटों में रखी सामग्री को जरूरत पड़ने पर सिलसिलेवार ढंग से यूजर के सामने रखना। आज एक ही विषय पर लाखों वेब पेज मौजूद हैं, जिन्हें सर्च इंजन पर कई पेजों में दिखाया जाता है। वे क...

सर्च इंजन ऑप्टिमाइजेशन में हैं भरपूर अवसर 7 Aug 2012 | 11:12 am

इंटरनेट की पहुंच लगातार बढ़ती जा रही है। चाहे किसी विषय पर जानकारी लेनी हो या फिर किसी पुराने दोस्त की तलाश करनी हो, इंटरनेट इस्तेमाल करने वाले गूगल, याहू, बिंग, लाइकोस आदि जैसी वेबसाइट का सहारा लेते ...

Find SEXUAL HARASSMENT AT WORKPLACE Lawyer in Delhi India 1 Aug 2012 | 04:12 pm

A workplace is defined as a place where there exists a working relationship between the employer and the employee. The definition of a workplace includes within itself any place where the woman perfor...

Toy Fox Terrier Pawfect Pawsome Pooch 21 Jun 2012 | 12:29 pm

They are true terriers who love to do everything with you; strong, sturdy with enough energy to hike with you all day and with just the right amount of toy dog in them so that they are not hyper and l...

Remembering legendary dog lover Dick Clark 21 May 2012 | 06:49 pm

The world mourned when legendary television personality and log lover Dick Clark passed away recently. Among those who will be missing him will be members of the canine community. He was a tremendous ...

Pamela Andersen adopts an Indian homeless puppy 14 May 2012 | 01:51 am

Hollywood actor and model Pamela Anderson has adopted an Indian homeless puppy. Helped by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the American celeb, who is also an animal rights activist,...

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