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Samsung Galaxy Mega Unboxing 27 Aug 2013 | 06:24 pm
Checking out the latest Samsung Galaxy mega phablet, and seeing how it stacks up against its smaller brother, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Since I’ve got a taste of the larger Android phones, it’s hard t...
30-Day Windows Phone Challenge – Week 3 23 Aug 2013 | 10:03 pm
This week’s Windows Phone Challenge video was filmed spur of the moment on location, using the front camera on my Nokia Lumia 928. I could’ve waited until I got home (or found my glasses), but I wante...
4 Back to School Uses for Evernote 22 Aug 2013 | 05:54 pm
A Babble Joint You all know how I much I love Evernote. I can save/sync just about anything across all my devices. I pretty much trust my mind with Evernote. Now that I have kids going to school (not ...
Public Facebook Post Embed Feature Now Available to All 22 Aug 2013 | 01:06 am
If you’ve been dying to embed Facebook updates on your blog/website, Facebook just flipped the switch, letting users embed public posts anywhere on the web. See, this is why y’all should be following ...
Creating Live Google+ Hangouts On Air the Right Way 21 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
I’ve been noticing a ton of people getting into Google+ Hangouts recently, specifically the Google+ Hangouts on Air portion where you can record a live session to be viewed on your Google+ Page, YouTu...
30-Day Windows Phone Challenge – Week 2 20 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
Week two (and some change) of my 30-day Windows Phone Challenge has come and gone. Highlights: So far, I’m digging the Nokia Lumia 928. The camera is dope, but it does have a little more junk in the t...
Who Knew Steve Wozniak and Kanye West Were Friends? 17 Aug 2013 | 12:29 am
A Babble joint Oh, the things we do for love. Most might think that the relationship between Kanye West and Kim Kardashian may be a stunt. Which, the two, based on their previous relationships, haven’...
Online Privacy: Nobody Is Gonna Look Out For You Better Than You 15 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm
When using free digital services like Gmail, or doing anything on the web, it’s important to be diligent about your online privacy and what you share Right now, Google is in some hot-water in regards ...
Get Detailed Info On Any Mac with Mactracker 14 Aug 2013 | 10:27 pm
Mactracker is a handy app that quickly provides detailed information on your Mac…as well as any Mac ever made. For those who don’t know, I repair/upgrade computers as well…preferrably Macs, but I don’...
6 Free and Essential College Apps 14 Aug 2013 | 01:43 am
A Babble Joint Six free and essential college apps to help make the transition less stressful and more enjoyable My 5 year old (Lil’ Tech) is starting kindergarten this week. My 3-year old (Tech 2.0) ...