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Who is the best dentist in Manhattan? 17 May 2009 | 12:15 am

I am trying to find the best cosmetic dentist in Manhattan and I want to know who the most powerful people in New York City use as a dentist.

Which Dentist is the New York City Dentist to the stars? 17 May 2009 | 12:14 am

Where do the anchors from NBC and CNN get their teeth done?  Where do the TV personalities go to get their veneers or their teeth whitened?

Does it cost a lot to see a dentist in Manhattan? 17 May 2009 | 12:13 am

Do popular cosmetic dentists cost more than experienced but less known dentists in Manhattan or do their prices look similar?  Trying to Find a dentist is not easy and a lot of the doctors in Manh...

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