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It's All In the Trades: A Matter of Life 27 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm

Jeffrey Brown is no stranger to comics, having made quite a few between his Bighead books, his Darth Vader comics, and his several autobiographical works. Using his simple cartooning style and witty w... Ape4Comics Podcast: Episode #14 27 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm

Episode #14 is full of comic book goodness with movie chat, new character design critiques, and comic book reviews. Neil and Matt start off the episode questioning the new design of DC Comics' Lobo. M...

Back Issue Bin to the Future: X-Factor #71 26 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm

Sometimes, in a title, change is needed. It can be as simple as our hero moving from one side of the city to another, or changing jobs, or even taking a break from being a super-hero. [...]

Geek Cinema: WHO ARE YOU!? 23 Aug 2013 | 09:45 am

I’m Bat­fleck. It came out Friday night (or at least hit my Twitter feed Friday night, via Kevin Smith) that the next Batman is no other than Daredevil himself, Ben Affleck. Now. I like Ben Affle...

Comics for Noobs: August 22nd 22 Aug 2013 | 08:07 pm

Morbius, the Living Vampire #8 published by Marvel Comics Michael Morbius was a brilliant scientist trying to cure blood diseases. Finding he had a blood disease of his own, he soon began experimenti...

Where'd You Get That?! - Ugli Studios Presents #2 21 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm

From Ugli Studios comes issue 2 of their anthology Ugli Studios Presents. The first issue was reviewed here on the blog by yours truly, and I enjoyed it immensely. While the last issue had one story t... Ape4Comics Podcast: Episode #13 20 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm

Yes Ape4Comics does still exist. Matt and Neil are back and have a lot of stuff to talk about since they've been gone. First, the guys discuss some news including some things going on with the future ...

The StashmyComics Top 25 List: Heroes! (Part 5) 19 Aug 2013 | 06:21 pm

It was a long time coming, but we've finally made it! Here we are, at the crème del la crème! We've made it to the final stretch! We're in sight of the big kahuna! It's the StashmyComics Top 25 List...

The StashmyComics Top 25 List: Heroes! (Part 4) 12 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm

Writer's Note: I know I'm very late in getting this to you, our awesome reader base. Sometimes things in life happen, and this article got pushed aside. Well, here it is now, for you to love and enjoy...

Crowd Funding Flash: Seven Stones 7 Aug 2013 | 06:28 pm

In 2012, author C.E.L. Welsh released Clutch, a story about a man out for revenge, on the road of a post apocalyptic world (The Wrecked Earth) pummeled by meteorites and atomic fire. [...]

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