Most 2012 consciousness shift resources related news are at:
– Higher Balance Institute | Awakening the World One Mind at a Time
More 2012 consciousness shift resources related news:
The Shift to 4th Dimensional Consciousness Explained and Related to 2012 5 Aug 2008 | 04:14 pm
What is meant by a shift from our current 3rd dimensional consciousness to 4th dimensional consciousness and what does it mean for everyone alive during the shift? Here is a "layman's terms" explanat...
estime_de_soi - created 6 Aug 2013 | 10:27 pm
. #primal#work#workplace#} {potency#effectiveness#power#powerfulness#strength#}. Resources {Younger#Junior#} than {Self#Consciousness#Ego#} {improvement#advance#betterment#condition#melioration#shift...